Galina Diamond (Ruechari)

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Galina Diamond

Another dry dusty town.

How had her world come

Crashing down?

She looked to Alister

With a sweet smile

"Yes," she thought,

"You'll do for awhile."

She visited her sister

In the county jail

She had a story to tell

And Oh, What a tale.

Of Croc and Hunter

A double cross

Truth be known

she didn't

give a toss.

Until Diamond said

Something about Gold

And then her story was


The most interesting

Ever told.

Galina hung on her every word

And then she overheard

The guards talking about

Alister, soon to be released.

And her conversations

With Diamond ceased.

Aunt Ruby would want her

To set Diamond free.

"Well, Diamond should have thought

of that before she double crossed


Galina was in love with Cadmus Croc

But it was all in her head

She knew this was true

when she found him in bed

with her sister instead.

So, she took to visiting Alister while

He was in his cell

Keeping him company and listened

To anything he had to tell

He was pretty tight lipped

When it came to information

But did let it slip that he would

Love to buy his daughter Lean

A horse station

When he said he was heading home

He had business in BG

She asked, if she could come along

And keep him company


He did agree.

Busted Gulch Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now