Please (Ruechari)

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Rue saddled up Krackle

She didn't know what to do

She worried about CG

As she stashed the letter for Aunt Sue

"I know that look.

"What's going on Rue?"

"I want you to stay

I know she said, "Okay",


"Uh-uh Rue, No way!

3Gun's got this

He'll make sure

She comes to no harm."

"How? By laying on his charm?"

Even Billy scoffed at this.

Rue put Myna's locket

In her inner pocket.

"Please Billy? Do this for me?

If anything happened to CG..."

He saw the tears

She refused cry

Threatening to spill from her eye.

"You're killing me, Rue.

What if something

were to happen to you?

I don't know...

I don't know what I'd do."

Rue begged, "Please?"

Billy sighed.

"You're bringing me to my knees.

Take this."

He put into her hands

his handkerchief.

She placed it around her neck.

"You fall into any trouble

You send it back to me

on the double."

"I will. Thank you"

To her horse she did alight.


Stay out of sight."

"Don't worry.

Just hurry

And cure this Bigbee

And come back to me."

He watch her ride out of town

Wearin' on his face a frown.

"Okay CG,

Let's just see

How long it takes you

To ditch the sheriff

You supposedly cherish."

"I don't envy you, 3Gun.

This is definitely not

how the West was won.

What have we two gunslingers become?"

Busted Gulch Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now