Not Now (Ruechari)

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Not Now

CG woke which was great to see

Only she wasn't remembering

How things use to be

She seemed to have jumped

Back to the beginning

Which left all of us

With our heads spinning

"No, CG he's not yours

He works for you."

She looked relieved

Rubbed her head and said, "Whew!"

Rue grabbed hold of 3Gun's vest

"I don't have time for this, do your best

But don't let her out of your sight

I'm counting on you to make this right."

"Why me?" was his plea.

"Because outside of me

She won't recognize anyone

She sees."

"Plus, she's back to the old CG.

Not the responsible editor and chief

But the woman who'd sooner

Knock you on the head

Leaving a bale of hay for your bed."

"But I've got a town..."

"Don't let me down.

I'm counting on you.

I'll be back as soon as I'm through."

"Are you certain you don't want Billy?"

CG said, " Why is no one listening to me?"

Rue replied, 

"You hit your head,

And pretty bad too.

There is a lot that may seem... new to you.

Promise you'll listen to whatever the Sheriff  may say?"

*whispers to 3Gun *

"If she doesn't just lock her away."

Busted Gulch Vol. 3Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant