CG's Response (crazyp01)

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CG's Response

"Well, hello there

It's nice to meet you too.

Where's Alister?

Didn't you bring him with you?"

"Alister's in trouble?

His friends here will help,

Poor man with a broken heart

Won't let him misstep."

"So you've got a past?

No need to come undone

Give up your old life,

Of pleasure, fun, being on the run."

BG's the place to start anew

Simple folks, simple life

No more struggles,

No more strife."

"The sheriff's here the longest

His deputy long enough.

Steer clear, won't want

to see you in handcuffs."

Galina had no choice

But to walk out.

"Time to go home,

To clear a sheriff's doubt."

Busted Gulch Vol. 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora