Seekin' Advice - 1 (lyttlejoe)

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Seekin' Advice (1)

Tiddly Winks unhitched his wagon

Clara and Rachael, his horses, were flaggin'

From a tirin' ride of two days and a night

News of a bakery had given him a fright

For years he had peddled his sourdough rolls

And a chewy concoction riddled with holes

Now some new woman had opened a bakery

Sellin' muffins, doughnuts and pies -

A regular cakery

He found the smithy and Unger

Playin' cards in the shop

He tried pleading his case

But they wouldn't stop.

Will Barter the drummer,

Still stayin' in town,

Wandered in with Doc Well

And they both sat down

That's a bummer,

Said the drummer

When Tiddly complained

He knew a lot about competition

We playin' cards or not,

Was Unger's demand

And the smithy agreed

Ante up if you want admission

The money went in, Unger laid down his cards

It worked out just as he planned,

He held the poker players worst superstition

Black aces and eights, a dead man's hand

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