The Search for Ruby (MystresMyna)

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The Search for Ruby (MystresMyna)By J.L. Moore

Crazy Goose was coming around,

3Gun was at her side.

He was acting nonchalant,

But some feelings just don't hide.

Rue was catching her breath,

Billy made sure of that;

But they knew Ruby had to be close,

Looking for her darn cat.

"Now's the time to move."

Rue told Deputy Darkly.

"Your Uncle has little time left."

She laid out the facts starkly.

"Very well, Rue, if you're up for the task.

We'll search the town in twos.

I'll pair everyone up,

For safety's sake, we've got a lot to lose."

Everyone met at the saloon,

The plan was laid out for all.

We had to act fast,

It was time for Ruby to fall.

"Billy you and Rue take the north,

Search that part of town.

AJ and I will head south,

To check out what's goin' down."

"Gin and Kae will head out east,

To see what they can see.

Raven and Crooked Smile go west,

In an hour, all meet back here with me."

"3Gun needs to stay with CG,

She's been through enough.

The Sheriff needs a rest too,

Dealing with Steel was rough."

"I warn you all, now don't forget,

Ruby is a low down dirty witch,

Don't take any chances

You might end up in a ditch."

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