3Gun's Day After (lyttlejoe)

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3Gun's Day After

What happened to me?

Was it a dream?

Strange images remain

But not what they seem

My friends look the same

The same as the others

A drink would go good

If I had my druthers

I walk from the jail

A new task on my mind

The Clover land deed

And him yet to find

Gonna have to keep watch

On that old plot of land

A possible gold strike

Will create a demand

It could get like the first time

Gold was found in the Gulch

A stampede of miners

That turn the land into mulch

Next come the gamblers

With women fancy and smart

So the gullible miners

And their gold will soon part

Then come the gunfighters

Killers for hire

And 3Gun as sheriff

Makes that occupation dire

In the saloon

I find solace and friends

Drinking companions

With elbows to bend

First thing to do

Is find Alister Clover

Give him his deed

And let him take over.

Set 'em up Crooked Smile!

Busted Gulch Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now