Temporarily Delayed (lyttlejoe)

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Temporarily Delayed

3Gun went to the station

to wire the Marshall

about getting the girls from his jail

He was surprised to see Crooked Smile

leaning on the counter

going over a handful of mail

He strolled over and offered a greeting

"I thought you and Alister decided

to come to the saloon for a meeting."

Crooked Smile held up a letter

"Sorry about that, we had to delay

Needed to know this new partner better."

"And did you," 3Gun asked with a frown

"Still doing some checking

meanwhile, he left town."

"But there'll still be a meeting about the deed."

Crooked Smile folded the letter and nodded

"Yes sir, on that we are still all agreed."

3Gun cabled the Marshall, said 'get here soon'

Said, so long to Crooked Smile

And headed back to the saloon

Busted Gulch Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now