Black Roses

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Rosalie's POV
He finally left. I got up and immediately scoped around for an exit, but nothing read the way for me to escape. All I saw were empty rooms and dusty walls. My mind was still registering what was actually happening to me. Yes, apparently I had been kidnapped. I was just trying to figure out why and how to escape.

I carefully peered into the room without any doors. Inside, I saw large wads of cash piled in columns inside of these black shelves. My eyes were trailing over every shelf and I ran in. I tried looking for a window or any opening but there was none. Someone would definitely lose their mind in this room.

"Help!" I scream and my voice echoes off the four walls. Nothing.

What if they planned on selling me? That's why they had all this money. They were selling kids. Now, they were going kill Vivian and Manu, because I couldn't keep my mouth shut.

I walked into the corner and there were guns a long the shelves. My hand grazed the weapon. It felt heavy and hard. Something in me hit me hard. Maybe I was getting what I deserved for what I did to Vivian. I was reaping what I sowed.

Nah, these people are just lunatics.

Manu's POV

Vivian and I decided to stay home today. While our parents weren't home we met up at the coffee cafe. Her hair was frizzier than usual and I could tell she hadn't slept due to the trauma we were both experiencing.

"I'm so tired, I'm glad mom let me stay home." Her eyes dazed off at me.

"Pablo is gone. I went over there last night to see if he was still in his shelter and he isn't."

She wakes up a bit propping her hand under her chin.

"Where do you think her went? Maybe they killed him."

I run my hand through my hair and shrug.

"I think he escaped. I find this card in his stuff." I said putting the card in the middle of the table so it lied between us. She kneels over to see the card.

"Rojos, Verdes Incorporacion" She reads aloud.

We both look at each other.

"What does that mean?" She asks.

"It means Red and Green Incorporated in English. It's a stupid name, but their business sure isn't. They probably named it that on purpose so people wouldn't suspect anything of it."

"Where is they money?"

"Still in the box under my bed."

She flips over to the back of the card.

"Siempre Estamos Viendo." She says looking up at me for translation.

My head cocks to the side realizing I never read the back side.

"We are always watching you." I say bluntly

"They are probably watching us right now!" She yells frantically looking at everyone in the room.

"Vivian, they are just trying to scare people. Don't draw attention to us."

The coffee woman walks up to us and her face was automatically familiar. Vivian and I looked at each other instantly because we both recognized her. She was the same woman who had witnessed us running into the restaurant when we had taken the money from Pablo.

"Can I get you two anything?" She asks looking at us suspiciously.

Vivian and I shake our heads. Her eyes scan us carefully and she finally strolls away.

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