Roses are red, Blood is too

490 19 7

My apologies if the gif is too graphic for you. I just thought it was perfect for this chapter lol.

Vivian's POV

Well at our new school they have this thing called the royal ball. You get dressed up in beautiful ball dresses and you just learn to dance, and have fun. I'm not sure if it's a tradition at the school, but Manu said they do it every year. At school they passed out these beautiful envelopes saying that you're invited to the royal ball. I love how ancient they make it look. It makes me feel a lot better after all the crap that's been going on around here.

"What are you wearing?" asks Ivy as scopes around the store for a purple gown.

"I haven't found one yet, but I'm thinking of a pretty light orange one with ruffles."

"Ruffles?! This isn't the 1830s."

"It's like an ancient ball Ivy. You're supposed to look kind of old and sophisticated. Did you even read the envelope?"

She doesn't respond, but keeps her face in a pile of dresses. I can't really find what I'm looking for so I start looking at the cultural Spanish dresses. They had red, yellow, and green. They looked so festive. I hold it to my body. I think I'd look really nice in it.

"Hey Ivy how does this one look?" I ask holding it up over myself again.

Ivy cocks her head in thought with her hand on her chin.

"I think it's a beautiful dress. You should get it."

I smile.

"Alright then."

Ivy and I stop to get some ice cream. I look over and I see this girl watching me. She looked like she was surprised about something or that she was concerned. I nudge Ivy with my arm and cock my head over to the girl.

"What is it?" Ivy whispers.

"She's staring at me! That's what up."

Ivy giggles and shakes her head. I guess you could say that I was being a bit paranoid, but she was still looking at me at this very moment all crazy and wide eyed.

"Are you okay?" I call out.

"Vivian stop being rude." Ivy hisses.

"Yes, I'm sorry." The girl says walking closer.

"Is your name Vivian?"

I look at my sister who's now paying attention to the the ice cream, but I nod my head yes.

"So, you're the girl that Rosalie has been talking about..."

"What do you mean?"

"You don't know?"


"She said that the reason you were out of school was because you were at an abortion clinic."

I'm not sure if I was dreaming or not, but Ivy made it pretty clear that I wasn't.

"That bitch..." Ivy says.

"It's not true.  When did she say that?! I didn't even know like at all!"

"She said it yesterday when you came back, but now it's all over school. People are talking about it over Twitter."

I drop my ice cream and star pacing away checking my phone. Ivy runs up to me with her head over my shoulder. I see my Twitter flooded with tweets. "American girl at abortion clinic." I read. I almost buss into tears at the moment. Ivy puts her hand over my shoulder, and I walk home crying my eyes out.

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