New Parts Coming Extremely Soon

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Hello darlings! Ash and I would like to apologize a thousand times for not posting in fifteen centuries. I would like to say that I have some major reason for not posting, but end the end it was just writers block, forgetfulness, procrastinating, and the need of sleep.

Also, if you have any suggestions to get over this weird stage of writer's block or any suggestions on what to happen next in the story please tell us!

Again, I have to apologize because I know how awful it is to have to wait for a book to update.

We love the support, comments and opinions, voting, and sharing you guys do, THANKS A MILLION. (and sorry a million).

AND THANK YOU ANOTHER A MILLION FOR THE 20K READS. My mind is blown that our crappy writing could attract that many eyes. Then again it could just be me reading over and over looking for typos... BUT STILL, THANK YOU.

Love you guys, Tara and Ash!

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