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Anthony's POV
Why did I break up with Cori? They had all left and I was still at Jasmine's house. "That room is still open to you if you want it." She says. I nod. I go to my room. Cori's stuff is still there. I go through her stuff and find her own. I go to her notes and find a list of kid names. That's adorable. Gosh, I miss her. I look at the time. Apparently I've been wasting time looking at my exes stuff. I look at my phone. I get a text from Daveed.


I respond.

Me: What room, Gosh help me Daveed.

Betrayal: 1781. If you are rude to her. You b****


I run out of Jasmine's. I jump in my car. Cori had left me a note. I guess she did that before walking on us. "Love you bae!" How could I get rid of her? I hate myself.

Cori is my priority. I race over to the hospital. I run up to the room. I walk in to see Daveed in a corner again and Lin crying.

I run over to comfort Lin but he pushes me away. Why did Daveed text me? To send me on a guilt trip? Or because he knows I regret my choices?

Whatever it is Corisinade is my top priority. Her ring is still on her finger. "Lin. I'm sorry." I say.

"Sorry isn't enough. This is your fault. My daughter could die. I HATE you. The only thing saving me from firing you is her. She would hate me if I fired you. You are not my friend anymore. I'm ashamed to have ever hired you let alone date my daughter." Lin says. Ouch. I deserve it. I leave the hospital room.

*2 days later*

I walk into Corisinades hospital room. Daveed is in Cori's bed and her eyes are open. What does this mean? My jaw drops and I storm out.

I hear Lin come after me. "Anthony!! They weren't doing anything. She's really upset about you. He comforted her. It's just like if I got in bed with her." He says.

I run down the stairs and Lin goes back. I race home to Jasmine's. I pull her into bed and we go all the way. It was exhilarating but it felt guilty. That's what started this mess.

Soon comes night time, I go visit Cori's home. She gave me a key. No one is home. They are all celebrating Corisinade coming home.

Jasmine and I have been excommunicated from the cast. Jazz is back as Peggy and Mariah. I get into the house and go to Cori's room.


I find her razor and start cutting myself. I see why Cori finds this entertaining. The blood runs onto my jeans. I see my wrist turn from caramel to red. The terrifying yet exhilarating feeling is amazing. Until everything goes black.


Cori's POV

We come home from celebrating and I go back to my room. I open up the door and find Anthony Ramos blacked out on my floor. Blood is all over my floor.

I scream at the top of my lungs. Dad and Mom come rushing in, Daveed slowly following. Daveed pulls me away and Dad picks Ant up. We all rush back to the hospital.

They get him into surgery and I understand now how everyone feels. "This is my fault, I can't believe I was so upset." I say.

Daveed shushes me. Anthony is rolled out of surgery. He is in a coma. He went overboard. His arm up to his elbow covered in cuts. I sob into Daveed and he holds me tight. His shirt now wet.

I hope this makes you as sad as me. #heartbroken.

Adopted by Lin Manuel MirandaWhere stories live. Discover now