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(Second half of the last chapter but in someone else's POV)

Daveed's POV

I see Corisinade and Anthony standing across the road, exiting a engagement and wedding ring shop. I quickly walk over towards them, trying not to act to shocked.

"Hey, Ant", I say patting him on the back. "And Ms. Miranda looking splendid as always." She blushed and batted her eye lashes playfully towards me. Gosh, why is it so hot out here?

"Mr. Diggs, a pleasure to see you", Corisinade says putting out her hand for me to kiss.

I took her hand. It was so smooth and soft. I bent down to kiss it. She smelt like buttercream and honey. "The pleasure is all mine."

We all chuckle, but I know I look uncomfortable, I was about to say something when Cori broke out in an apology.

"Dav, I am so sorry I forgot to text you. We should meet later on this week", she said, briskly apologizing.

"It's okay and text me when and where later", I say getting anxious about telling her my news. "So what brings you two here?" I try to prep myself for the news I will most likely hear.

"Well, we were hoping to tell ever-", Anthony tries to tell me, but is cut off by Cori.

"We were just looking for rings for my mom and dad for their anniversary", She said rushed and forced. Ant looks confused but doesn't say anything. "You can never plan to far in advance".

"Well, good luck, hope you found what you needed. G'bye, man. And good day to you m'lady", I wink towards her and walk away.

I was hurt, knowing what they were really doing, but the fact Cori didn't want me to know made me feel good and bad at the same time.

"Good day to you, Sir Diggs", she calls out to me as I walk across the crosswalk. I only halfway turn towards her and I smile.

I walk home. As I walk I get a text from Corisinade.

CORI: Hey.

I text her back

ME: Hey

CORI: So I was thinking we meet at the pizza place near the theatre?


CORI: HAHAHA lol. Me 2. Can u b there 1 hour before rehearsal 2morrow?

ME: Sure

CORI: k, I will txt u l8r, Ant needs me in the bedroom 😉😏

ME: Lol, wow Cori.

CORI: lol, kidding

ME: I didn't want to tell Lin.

CORI: he would flip

ME: I know

CORI: I love you

What? What does that mean, brother love, friend love, soulmate love? I thank about what I should say.

ME: I'm sure I don't know what you mean.


Oh that explains it. I can't help but feel a bit disappointed.

ME: no worries, you forgot your self.


ME: GTG text me l8tr.


Well, I need to gather my thoughts. I better take a nice and hot shower. When I need to think about stuff, I take a long shower, as weird as that sounds.

Today, I think to myself, we will be discussing the topic of Corisinade Piper Miranda.

Call me crazy, but I think we should stay out of it! She has a boyfriend! Need I remind you who it is? It is one of your best friends, I think.

But, another part of me cries, just think of the way she makes you feel.

She makes me feel invincible. She makes me feel like I have finally met someone who can comprehend with me.

She makes me feel like I am special. Like I am more than a mere human being. She makes me feel helpless, heck, I will sing the Hamilton song right now if I had to.

But then I remember Anthony, and how much they love each other. And how much I love Anthony. But I remember how much I like her. But Ant will win out every time.

But then I think about how hard denying her is. You don't understand how hard it is to not going running into her arms. You don't know how hard it is to look at her with out bursting out something I would regret.

I realize I am standing in cold water. I get out of the shower get dressed and fall into a deep sleep, only dreaming about Corisinade and me in a happy life.

But then I remember that would only happen in some dumb kid's fan fiction. But then again, even the dumb kids can see the sparks.

Only one person can't, and they can never see them. That person, means the world to both Cori and I.

What did you guys think? Do you guys ship it? Write it in the comments! Ahh! I am so excited to hear your POVs on this!

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Adopted by Lin Manuel MirandaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora