Jazzy Jr.

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"Um, guys", Jazzy said cautiously, "I think my water just broke." After this pandemonium broke out. I swear I heard Thayne say "I'll get the chocolate for the baby".

"Guys", Lin called out, stopping everyone in their tracks, "We need to get her in an ambulance."

"I'll do it", Oke said pulling out his phone. He looked like he was nominated for hero of the year.

Everyone grabbed their food and ran out side waiting for the ambulance. Normally you would get in a car if your water broke so you won't have to wait for the ambulance. But not if you live in New York City.

It would take thirty minutes to get to the nearest hospital through NYC traffic. But luckily you have the sirens and a law to where you have to move over to the side of the road when you hear them.

When the ambulance arrived, Jazzy was loaded in, and Renée rode up front. After that we all loaded into Lin's van, which he bought just for the cast, and followed the ambulance.

We parked the car and Johnathon called Renée to see what room they were in. "Hey babe, do you know what room Jazz is in?" he asked. "Thanks, okay see you soon."

"She is in room 1776. She hasn't delivered the baby yet, but she is about half way", Johnathon explained already headed towards the elevator.

Everyone else followed, getting looks for people who know us and people who are think "why are there fifteen million people headed towards an elevator". We had to catch three differnt elevators because of our group size.

In the elevator, Anthony and I had to stand in the back, scrunched up with one another. I wasn't complaining. We loaded off the elevator and sat in the waiting room, while Phillipa went to go to Jasmine's room to help.

The nurse came out and gave our group a look, then quickly smiled and said, "The baby is slightly undersized, at four pounds and five ounces. She is mainly healthy, and she is a girl. The main issue is the lungs, which we are scanning right now. You can come and see her now, only half of you at a time."

Johnathon, Lin, Anthony, and I walk down the hall, following the nurse and I remember something. I grab my phone and compose a text.

ME: Hey, Jazzy just gave birth, I think she would want you here.

I put up my phone when we get to the door. Anthony pulls open the door for us. We walk in the tiny room and we see Renée and Phillipa watching Jasmine and her gorgeous, tiny baby, with pride.

"Hey, look who joined the party", Renée said standing up to greet us and hug John.

"Crap, I forgot my party hat", Lin said smiling at Jasmine.

"What is she named?" I ask walking over and sitting by Phillipa.

"I just decided", Jazzy said looking between everyone in the room, "everyone, meet Phillipa Renée Jones."

Everyone in the room gasped and then 'awwed'. Renée and Phillipa both started crying and kissed Phillipa Renée's head.

"Thank you so much, that means so much to me", Phillipa said through her cries.

"Oh, Jazzy, you didn't have to do that", Renée smiled. "Wait, why didn't you name her Renée Phillipa?"

Everyone chuckled. Thayne, Oak, Leslie, and Chris burst in, much to the nurse's dismay. "We heard your laughter and came as soon as we heard", Leslie panted.

We all sat down and took turns holding Phillipa Renée, and we told baby stories and laughed and made Hamilton references.

After visiting hours ended, we all went home, agreeing to all comeback tomorrow morning as soon as visiting hours started. This baby was going to be so spoiled.

Jasmine's POV
I posted an 'usie' of Phillipa Renée and I woth the caption; World, meet Phillipa Renée Jones. Welcome, my offspring.

Five minutes later I check and read the comments of the fans

CAPTIAN_SWAN_IS_BAE: OMGOSH, your baby is SO cute, can I kidnap her? And love the name.

ASHLEY✌: WTC you were pregnant? What a wh**e

HEY-ITS-THEA: @ashley✌ I agree, I heard it through the grapevine, but I thought it was some stupid rumor. What a sl*t

Wow, people can be so hurtful. I look down at my precious little girl. I bought her millions of Hamilton tee shirts. They are back at home. My favorite one is a shirt that says "and Baby" as in "and Peggy", most people won't get it, but I will.

I start to imaging showing Phillipa the cast album, taking her to her first show, her meeting and Renée and Pippa for the first time, and her realizing that she is named after those amazing, beautiful women.

I start bawling as the nurse comes in. She looked at me with an understanding look. Apparently I will still be a victim of my hormones for the next couple of weeks.

I smile back down at Phillipa as she grabs my finger. Someday she will blow us all away.

Add, what did you think about the baby name? Sorry that I have only been updating once a day, I am flying solo right now. Ash is at Girls Camp, where she can't have her phone.

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