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Anthony's eyes flutter open, I rush over to his bedside. "Get away Corisinade" he says.

Lin and Daveed stand up. "It's okay guys." I say. I go back to my seat and start crying again. Daveed holds me tight.

Jasmine goes to Anthony and they start talking. It breaks my heart to see them talking like boyfriend and girlfriend.

I think they got back together. I wonder if she has too much drama for him. My phone goes off as I get a text from Vanessa.

VanessMom: Cori, I'm so so so sorry. Your goldfish died.

Tears come to my eyes and I break out laughing. "What?" Daveed says.

I start rolling on the floor, "My goldfish died." Daveed rushes to me and hugs me. I'm still laughing.
Anthony and Jasmine look concerned.
"Cori, can we talk alone?" Anthony says. Everyone leaves. Apparently I said yes.

"I didn't mean to break up with you. It's just I saw what I did to you and we'll now I'm in the hospital." He says.
I start crying. "I know Anthony. It's just now I have stitches in my arm, head, and a broken nose. If you look at my arms and legs they're bruised." I say, "I forgive you."

I give Anthony a hug. "Are we back together?" I say. "No." He says coldly.

Sorry it's short. You'll get longer ones later. Have a great day!! It's just the goldfish.

Adopted by Lin Manuel MirandaWhere stories live. Discover now