The First Rehearsal

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After the overwhelming meeting the cast, we got into the theatre and they preformed the show for me. Javi was Alex so Lin could sit with me. Lin held me tight. I love this family. By the end, Lin and I were both sobbing.

The cast is fantastic, they're so good, I could never compare to them. After the show is over, the director grabs me and Lin and starts teaching me just how it goes. We ran through Alexander Hamilton and it was the most amazing thing ever. Philippa was crying. She barely knew me but she loved me.

We skipped to The Schuyler Sisters and it felt amazing. At the end, Renee, Jasmine, Pippa, and I all hugged.

Lin fired Renee's alternate. Apparently, he doesn't want her to upstage me. I felt happy, just being Jasmine, Renee, Pippa, and me.

We then skipped to Helpless. It was exhilarating. I had to kiss my Dad, which was extremely AKWARD but Ant, Daveed, and Oak loved it.

We did the Eliza songs, and it felt so exhilarating. When we got to That Would Be Enough, I was officially ecstatic. Non-Stop went by so fast but it was so awesome being in the number instead of akwardly dancing in my bedroom.

Take a Break was hilarious because Anthony is older than me but I was his mother. I do look older for my age though. Pippa and I look the same age. It's concerning but I get my dream roll because of it so I'm fine with it.

It hurt a little when Say No to This rolled around. I had embraced the role of Eliza and he just cheated on me. Burn made everyone cry. Philippa stopped the show and ran on to give me a hug and Lin gave me a kiss on the head when I went backstage.

Stay Alive Reprise made me cry as much as it did when I listened to it. When I screamed at the end, I felt like it really was real. My one line in Its Quiet Uptown was heartbreaking. Although it was simple, it was enough to get me crying.

Best of Wives and Best of Women was fun because I got to take a fake nap. Sleeping is awesome. Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story ended the show at a great note.

We skipped over the John Laurens interlude so Pippa could teach it to me later. "CORI!!! You got through every song and made everyone cry!!" Philippa yelled.

I didn't think it would go this well. Lin wrapped the rehearsal up and told everyone call time and all that good stuff. Tonight will be my first time to preform. I'm so excited!!

I even fit Pippa's costume so I can wear the same one she does!! Lin and I leave the theatre and get into the car.

"Are your excited?" Lin inquired.

"Obviously! Is Pippa sad she doesn't get to preform?" I respond.

Lin answers, "Not at all!! It's time for your surprise!!!!!"

I respond, "You really don't have to surprise me, you've already made my life amazing!!" Lin parks in a Tiffany's parking lot.

We walk into the store. Vanessa and Seb are there and That Would Be Enough is playing.

"Hi Vanessa, Hi Sebastian!!!" I say. Vanessa and Lin smile at each other. Seb hands me a bunch of papers.

I read them. "YOU GUYS ADOPTED ME?!" I yell and start crying.

Vanessa starts looking worried, "Did you not want us too?"

I respond through my tears, "Yes I do, this is the best day of my life!!!!" Lin, Vanessa, Sebastian, and I embrace each other all--except Seb-- crying.

Then Lin hands me a baby blue box. Inside the box, is a heart shaped silver necklace with a diamond in the middle. On the back it says, CPM, my initials.

I start crying again and saying "Thank you" over and over. We all hug again.

Then Lin checks his watch. "We have to be at the theatre, come one guys let's roll." Lin says.

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