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Anthony and I spend the rest of the day together. The only time we separated is when we went into the theatre.

We were going to re-announce the engagement publicly tomorrow morning when Anthony was going to be on Good Morning America with Jonathan and Daveed. Oak was originally going to be on it with them, but since recent events...

We have to look sad for cameras, but we couldn't cry because it would ruin our makeup that the makeup crew did for us. We had to be actors and think of happy moments in our mind, and just look sad. It was one of the hardest things I had to do.

It felt wrong for the paparazzi to take pictures of Oak's body. We had to get a group picture of the cast and Oak. At that point we felt like we were violating the dead.

"Now, uh, Phillipa, right? Yeah, Phillipa can you get down and sit on the ledge of the coffin, and Renée go and sit on the other edge and both of you, hold either one of his hands.

"Stop it, please", I yelled out at the paparazzi. They all start clicking their cameras towards me. "Please, respect the dead."

I fall on the ground and cry. I can't handle this. Oak is dead. D. E. A. D. The paparazzi take millions of photos. I feel bad about the makeup. I see one of the people in the paparazzi gasp. Oh snap, what happened?

Then I see them zoom in, with the camera, on my ring. Oh snap. Anthony rushes towards me and I have a panic attack. What will the public thing? Why'd I wear my ring to a public affair?

Anthony takes me backstage and Dad quickly ends the public funeral. I hyperventilate. It's hard to breathe. Ant holds me close and I cry into his shoulder. The attack finally ends. "Cori, are you okay?" He says. I nod.

Oaks POV
I look down the clouds to see the cast at my funeral. Cori falls to the ground and I scream. Don't cry, dear Corisinade. Heaven is nice, I see my generations. The glory overwhelms my brain.

Teach me how to say goodbye. Anthony rushes over. I don't know whether I ship Anthisinade or Davisinade. Whatever makes Cori happy. All the tears, I wish they knew I'm okay.

Lin, being the atheist he is, probably thinks I am just gone. But I'm not, because God is real. I wish he knew that. The hate that shot me hurt. Is this where it gets me, on my feet, seven greet ahead of me?

Anthony's POV
The thought of my best friend being shot overwhelms me, it feels like it isn't reality. "Cori, are you okay?" I ask. She nods.

I see pain in her eyes. She got such a short time with him. Pain strikes through my heart, why him?

He was my brother, my best friend, and my comforter. In times of need he was there. I wish he could watch us from heaven and know we love him, unconditionally.

Cori starts sobbing again, the public funeral is over so I call Lin in. He goes over to comfort Cori but I know inside he is dying also. "Lin, let's call a cast meeting." I say. He nods.

All the cast is already mourning on the stage. I stand up, "I think we should say a prayer." They all nod in agreement.

I look over and see Groff with Reneé, my fiancé crying into Lin's chest, Daveed in his regular spot aka the corner, Chris comforting Thayne while eating chocolate, Leslie comforting Philippa and Jazzy at the same time while they sob.

Lin stands up and I go to comfort my fiancé. "Listen guys, I don't ever pray. I can feel Oaks spirit with us today. It is making me believe that maybe God is real. So let me pray." He says. That's a surprise.

He starts his prayer, "Dear God, Thank you for the wonderful family you have given me. Thank you for Cori coming into our lives. Thank you for Ron Chernow, who gave me the inspiration for Hamilton. Thank you for our crew.

"Most of all, we thank you for Oak. Thank you for blessing us with his sweetness and his funny jokes. Thank you for letting us love him. Please help he can know we love him and that we feel his spirit with us today. Please help us mourn. I thank you God, again, for all our many blessing. Amen." He says.

All of us are broken. We wail and comfort one another. I sob till I hear everyone's phone ding. We look at the photos out. One catches my eye. A picture of Cori's ring, titled, 'Corisinade Miranda Re-engaged to Anthony Ramos'. Well, I guess the cat is out of the bag.

Then, I hear a scream. "I think the baby is coming." Reneé says, panicked looking at her stomach.

Here we go again.

Hey guys!! So I hope you liked this chapter. I sobbed writing it. Oak's part in heaven is kinda heartbreaking. No problem, by the way. Just kidding.

Please stop commenting mean things. It hurts our feelings. We wrote the book the way it is and that's how we intend to keep it.

And please don't hate on other people. If you want to agree/ disagree politely, you can. If you can be mature enough to do that, then please exit our story or don't comment.

We love your nice comments though!! Also, on the Daveed issue. Guys. 18 years difference. It is CREEPY. Even Tara says it. But Davisinade drama coming your way!

Hope you had a great day!! Love you!!- Tara and Ash
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