Mornings and Mourning

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We fall asleep at the theatre. We wake up with tear stains and blotchy faces. The girl's make up is smeared and running down our face.

We would cry more, but we were dehydrated. We decide to go home and freshen up. Lin calls a press conference.

On the ride home I stare out the window thinking about Oak, thinking about the cast, thinking about nothing. I didn't even notice we were home when we parked.

"Cori, honey, we are home", Vanessa said sweetly. I fumble out of the car. I go up to ny room. I put on a grey tank top and a black cardigan. I also wear some black skinny jeans.

I hardly wear any make up, knowing I will cry at thw press conference. I only wear powder on my insecurities.

I grab some water in the kitchen. As I drink the water I get a text from Daveed.

D.D: Hey. I hope you are managing ok. I will see you at the press conference.

Me: thanks I will see you there.

We ger back into the car. I can feel tears threatening to form in my eyes. I blinded back my tears.

We pull up to the R.R to see Renèe and Jon getting out of a taxi. We walk inside together to find that the press is already there.

"Thank you for gathering here today", Lin says emotionless. "I am going to share some very sad news."

The cameras click and flashes. I hear Phillipa let out a whine. Leslie comforts her. I see Jazzy cradling Phillipa Renèe, while crying silently.

Renèe is crying into Jon's chest. Jon just looks demented. Daveed comes over to sit by me. He puts his arm around me as I lean onto his shoulder.

"There was a tragic event last night. Sadly, our very own Okieriete Onaodowan was shot. We aren't sure how, but police think we was mugged and then was shot because the mugger was heartless.

The crowd gasps and the cast all start to sob. I look up at the ceiling and take in a deep breath. I suck up my tears.

"Hey, come here", Daveed whispers into my hair. He extends his arms. I wrap my arms around his neck. He puts his arms around my waist. I cry and cry into his shoulders as the press asks questions.

I must have cried my self to sleep on Daveed's lap I because wake up in my dressing room with Daveed looking over me.

"Hey", Daveed says softly.

"Hi", I say stretching my arms out. "Is the conference still going on."

"Yes, it has been going on for fourty five minutes."

"Wow", I say though a yawn. "Hey, I am going to run to the bathroom to freshen up."

"Ok, the cast is going to plan the funeral with Oak's family later today."

"Oh okay", I say, swinging my legs over my couch, technically the couch I share with Renèe's new understudy.

I walk doen the hall, up the stairs, down another hall, and down the the bathroom.

As I walk into the bathroom, I see something out of the corner of my eye. I turn around, but I see nothing.

I walk over to the sink anf I splashed water on my face. I wash my hands and dry them on my jeans. I look at my self in the mirror.

I see my brown hair, tangled from sleeping. I see my face, red and raw from crying and having no make up on it.

I sigh and walk out of the bathroom. I dry my face on my cardigan. I walk to the stairs and I see Anthony leaning against the railing.

"Hey, Cori", Ant says sadly.

"Uh, hey Anthony", I say, trying to move away from him. I could smell alcohol in his breath. I gag at the smell. It was too strong. He was obviously drunk.

"Want to get back together", he says walking over to me, playing eith my hair.

"Uh, maybe another day, I, uh, need to get back to my dressing room", I say trying to leave, but he was blocking my way.

"No", Anthony says grabbing my arms, making me let out a squeal," you are going back to that son of a b**** names Daveed. Whay are you cheating on me?"

"I'm not. You broke up with me. And don't call him that", I cry out. I couldn't feel my arm he was gripping it so hard.

"No, you love me, not him", Anthony roars.

"No, I don't love you anymore. I don't love him either. I just like him", I say, panicing.

Anthony was obviously enraged by that, and right when I thought he was going to hit me, he kissed me.

I could taste the alcohol on his lips. He kept trying to make me kiss back, but I didn't. "Kiss me, Cori", he softly commanded, into my hair.

"No, Ant, no", I say trying to push him off.

"Yes", he says.

"DAVE-", I try to yell, I was cut off my him putting his hand on my mouth.

"No, no, hush", Anthony says. I know this isn't him, I know that for a fact. I know he would never do this. He wouldn't ever intentionally hurt me, other than the Jazzy incident.

I kiss him back. I can feel him smile through the kiss. "Good girl", he says.

I feel the familiar lips. I can feel him lossening his grip on me. I muster up all of my strength and push him off. "DAVEED, HELP", I yell in the direction of the stairs.

Ant rushes over and started to kiss me again. I hope Daveed heard me. I start to cry. It feels like an eternity during that kiss.

I close me eyes and pray that some one will find me. I open my eyes as I fell Anthony coming off of me. I see Jon grabbing Anthony. Jon punches Anthony and runs over to me.

"Cori, are you alright, what happened?" Johnathan asks.

"He, he, I just, I was", I stutter out in shock.

"Come on, do you want me to go get Daveed", Jon's asks examining me.

"Can I come with you", I ask nodding at Anthony who was lying unconscious on the floor.

"Yeah, come on", Jon smiles.

We walk down the stairs down the hall, and to my dressing room. Daveed stands up when he sees me and rushes over to me.

"Cori, what happened, are you okay", Daveed says concerned.

"No, Anthony came up to me and he was drunk and he started to kiss me", I manage to stutter out between my dry sobs.

"Shh, your safe now. Let's go get Lin", Daveed says, hugging me.

"No, lets just keep this between us for now, is that okay", I ask Daveed and Jon. Jon nods, by Daveed looks hesitant.

"Fine, but only for now. After Oak's funeral we need to tell Lin. Okay?" Daveed says raising his left eyebrow near the end.

"Okay", I say.


"Hey, guys, hate to break up this touch moment, but we need to plan the funeral", Jon playfully smiles, his smile wavering at the end.

Daveed kisses me on my forehead and then lets me out of the embrace, making our way down the stairs to the managers office to manager office to plan Oak's funeral.

We agree on simple, yet elegant. We cry and smile trough out the planning. I ride home with a sad smile on my face. I know that Oak is in a better place now, where ever he is.

Sorry guys. Wasn't a joke. Hope you have had a great day!!

💙- Tara and Ash

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