Mother Hood

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We pull into the RR and text everyone on the group chat to meet us there in thirty minutes. That will give us time to set everything up.

We have decided that once everyone gets here we would start with Anthony and I singing That Would Be Enough. Then, hopefully, they would assume that I was pregnant.

I am secretly dying inside. I can't be a mother, let alone an unmarried mother. I always slightly judged teen moms, even though some of them might have been raped and they are too kind hearted to kill ab unborn child who doesn't have any ways to defend themselves. I promised myself to never let that happen to me.

But here I am. Karma, whether it is real or not, does have a way with things. I just want my child to have a strong future. One where he (or she) isn't judged because of his (or her) parent's mistake. A future where they don't think they were a mistake. I want my child to be with the one I marry.

I would love to marry Anthony, but our engagement fell through once before. I would do anything for Anthony, because I love him. And I would love to spend the test of my life with him. But I can't be sure he will always feel the same for me.

One day might up and leave me. One day he might decide I am not good enough for him. Not pretty enough. Not skinny enough. Not talented enough. Not nice enough. Not sexy enough. Not mature enough. Not smart enough. Too ugly. Too young. Too short. Too unrefined. Too... Ordinary.

I find tears clouding my vision. I am behind the stage grabbing some materials for the That Would Be Enough set. I drop the ropes and find myself collapsing to the ground. My chest is rising and falling too rapidly for it to be real. My body starts to harshly shake. I can't stop shaking. I try to stand up but I can't move. All I can do is try to steady my breathing and stop shaking.

I feel hot tears sliding down my face. I feel like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders. Like the world is crashing down on me. Like every laugh, smile, and light in the world has been sucked out of it. Like a demontor came and did this to the world.

"Cori? Cori? Jonathan, Anthony, get over here!"

All I hear is a great thudding noise in my ears and a person in the very far distance, muffled by nature, calling for someone. Calling for me.

I clench my jaw and fist to stop the shaking. But its useless. I see a figure coming towards me. "Cori? Corisinade!" My heart is hammering in my chest. I can't breath. All I can think about is me. How I am nothing. How I am no one. How I will never have Anthony truly. How I should just kill my self.

The figure came and squat down next to me. It shakes me. I finally look up to see a familiar face. "Corisinade, are you okay? Should I call an ambulance?"

I smile and wrap my arms around her shoulders. "Renée!" Renée hugs me as I sit and sob. After what seems like an eternity, I finally calm down. I am still shaking and I have to clech my jaw in order to stop shaking for just a second.

Renée finally releases one arm from the tight hug we were in and she strokes my hair as I take in deep breaths to calm down. "Cori, do you want to talk about what just happened?"

I nod into Renee's chest. "I'm not sure what just happened. I was just getting this rope and I was just thinking about my baby. I just collapsed on the ground sobbing. I c-couldn't stop shaking. It felt like the world was coming down on me. Like I was drowning and I couldn't get out if the water", I whisper as I relive the worst moment of my life.

"It sounds like you were having an anxiety attack. Were you thinking about something depressing or upsetting?" Renée asks while she continues to stroke my hair.

I shudder as I think about the thoughts I was thinking a few minutes ago. "Yeah. How long was I gone?"

"About ten minutes. And I found you five minutes ago. Let's find out what the guys are doing. Do you want to tell Anthony what happened?" Renée coaxes as I start to cry again thinking about Anthony.

"I think I will later tonight. For now let's celebrate", I say, sniffling and wiping the reforming tears in my eyes away.

"Hey, let's go to your dressing room so we can fix you up", Renée smiles while standing up and dragging me with her.

I smile and we walk, hand in hand, to my dressing room. Renée fixes my hair and make up and then I change into Eliza's dress. We walk back out to the stage. It had been completely transformed to the 'That Would Be Enough' set. Jon and Anthony are sitting in the front row seats. Anthony was dressed like Lin and looking daper.

"Hey, Cori", beamed Anthony as he jumped up to greet me. I manage to smile a small smile. Anthony grabs my hand and pulls me into a hug and kisses me on the four head.

"She was only gone for twenty minutes", Jon scoffed, but then he pulled Renèe into a hug and kisses her shoulder. "Don't you ever leave for that long again", he murmured into her shoulder.

Renèe giggled and shoved him off of her. "Should we get into position? Knowing Lin he will be here first minutes early."

"Knowing Leslie he will be here five minutes late", I mutter. Everyone laughs and we quickly go over the plan again. Anthony then helps me on the stage and then he jumps onto the stage following after me. We walk to the opposite sides of the stage, after we separate from a kiss, and we walk off stage and wait.

I can't help but think that half of the thoughts I thought earlier were true. I quickly remove that thought with the thought of the faces on the cast's face when they realize I am pregnant.

Lin will be pissed, that much I know. Sebastian will be confused, and we will probably tell him that I will have a baby soon (after we are married. Lin wouldn't want Sebs to be thinking it is okay to get a girl preggers before marriage, Lin doesn't want to have grand kids that quickly). Venessa will be "upset" but congratulate me later that night when Lin is not looking.

Phillipa will probably squeal. Jasmine will follow suit and the three of us will all fangirl together. Chris will smile and give Anthony advice on dealing with pregnancy and the baby. Leslie will try and sing a song from Hamilton and make it apply to my baby. Thayne will offer me chocolate, that is a science.

I smile to myself and wipe a small tear on my cheek away. I love the cast so much. I snap out of my thoughts when I hear a door slam and voices coming from the lobby.

It's show time.

Hey! Renèe is a great mom don't you think? I love Renèe. Anyways, thanks for sticking around and giving us a second chance after our fifteenth six year long hiatus!

I don't have much to say other than the story is coming to an end, but there will be a bit more drama to come your way.

I would also like to say once this book is over we will take a break from writing for a while so we can focus on school and family! I was thinking that we could write a one shot book full of one shots from our different fandoms!

The fandoms include: Hamilton, Taylor Swift, Once Upon a Time, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Lunar Chronicles, Wicked, Les Miserables, House M.D., Pretty Little Liars, Gossip Girl, Land of Stories, The Selection Series , etc. Please tell us if you are in any of these fandoms so we can fangirl together!

We will also write some full length novels over time (A LOT better than this). So if you like our writing please stay tuned!

We love you so, so much! Thanks for reading! Please leave us your opinions and reactions in the comments, please vote and follow us for more stories, and please share with your friends so you can talk about this during awkward silences.

-Tara and Ash

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