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Cori's POV
I wake up after a nap. Cause, naps are life. Anyways, I look at my phone to see the time. I stop in mid-yawn, "Crap", I say out loud. It is 4:45 I have literally five minutes to get ready.

As I was applying eye shadow, I get a text from Dad.

LINDAD: You need to pack. We are going to meet my sister. We are going straight after Hamilton.

ME: roger that.

I haven't met Luz and her husband yet. I realize I will have to cancel on Dav in order to pack on time.

ME: Hey, unexpected family vacay. Have 2 cancel and pack. Sry

DAV: its fine.

ME: thx

I throw my things into a bag and turn on an episode of PLL. I am drifting off when Lin tells me it's time to go.

I grab my phone and ear buds and get into the car. We jam to a mixture of musicals (and Taylor Swift of course).

We pull into the theatre parking lot and I head towards my dressing room. Dad heads off to talk with Leslie and Renée.

Ant walks into mg dressing room. "Hey babe. I think we should round them up and tell them now."

"Now?" I ask

"No. Yes, what other now is there?" he asks playfully, but it felt like annoyance.

"Oh, okay", I say forcing a chuckle. "Let's go."

We walk down the stairs to the stage manager's office and ask if we can use the intercom system. They allow us, and we call everyone down to the stage.

Ant and I walk out waiting for everyone, and when they do, a thousand carnations and rose petals, my favorites, float down onto me. Ant gets down on one knee and I gasp.

"Cori, you are my only true love I have ever had. And I want that to stay the same. I want to be promised to you, weather we get married tomorrow, or in two years, I will wait for you.

"Now for the cheesy part. I love the way you make me feel helpless, I can say no to you, with you I will be a new man. I am not throwing away my shot to marry you. I will never be satisfied with out you. And all of those haters out there, well let's just say, I hope that they burn."

I laugh through my tears at all the song references. Renée and Phillipa where crying, and I see Jazzy smiling in the corner of my eye. Oak, Thayne, Chris, Leslie, and Johnathon were all smiling. Lin was just bawling.

"Corisinade Piper Miranda, will you marry me?"

I laugh to my self and turned towards Ant, behind him I see Daveed, eyes glistening with tears. I look at him for a moment. He gives me a small, slightly sad, but reassuring smile.

I look in Ant's eyes. He is crying too. "Yes, I will marry you! Yes!", I laugh. Ant picks me up and swings me around.

In a blur I see Renée, Phillipa, and Jazzy all holding each other. Thayne and Chris where chest bumping. Lin was still bawling. Oak started to do the 'The Story of Tonight Reprise Dance'. John consoles my dad, while Leslie laughs at him.

In the corner I see Daveed walking off stage, shoulders slumped, and with one small, sad look towards me, be was gone.

We have champagne (and sparkling water for me). We call of the show for an hour. We celebrate and dance and kiss. Mainly Renée and John, Ant and I, and Vanessa, who was watching from the orchestra pit, and Lin were kissing.

I did see Phillipa kiss Leslie on the mouth, she probably had one too many drinks.

After thirty minutes of celebration we learn that the majority of us have to do a Broadway show in the next thirty minutes.

We wrap up our party and start to clean up the rose petals. Everyone says goodbye, even though we will probably see each other again in the next half hour, if not, on stage.

As I walk back to my dressing room, I admire my beautiful engagement ring and think about how I will be counting down the days until I am eighteen.

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