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Cori's POV
I could hardly sleep last night I was nervous (and the fanfics on WattPad were calling to me), but when I did eventually fall asleep, it was four a.m, so naturally I slept in until two p.m.

I freak out and shovel down some lunch and run back up the stairs to my room to pick out my clothes.

I don't want to seem like a shallow "it takes me forever to pick out my clothes and put on my make up", but I like to look at my options.

Daveed said that is should wear a casual outfit because we are going out on a picnic in Central Park.

I walk into my massive closet and scan my clothes. I finally decide on some short-shorts, a gold-peach top, a watch, a gold braclet, and a diamond bracelet VenessMom got me for my birthday. I wear a pair sandals along with it.

I put my hair half way into a messy bun, then curl the bottom half of my hair. I put on nude make up, my perfume, and lotion, just in time to watch an episode if Pretty Little Liars.

After the episode finishes, I hear a knock on the door. I go to answer it. I find Daveed holding a box of chocolates.

"I am surprised that none of the cast ate my chocolate", I say sarcastically.

"Oh, they did. This is the third box", Daveed smiles. I giggle, which makes Daveed smile even more, "shall we get going?"

"Oh, yeah, let me grab my purse", I say as I turn away to get my gold sunglasses and my brown handbag, "Kay, let's go."

We walk down to Daveed's car. "What music do you want, if you want music", Daveed asks.

"Well, I obviously want music, um, can you put tons of musicals on shuffle, and Taylor Swift", I ask.

"You can connect your phone to the car and play whatever you want."

"Okay thanks", I say, already on connecting my phone.

We listen to a combination of Taylor Swift, Wicked, Hamilton (obviously), and Les Miserables.

We laugh and sing during the whole ride. The funniest part was where Daveed sang Popular from Wicked.

"Hate to ruin the fun, but we are here", Daveed chuckled as I was dancing terribly to Blank Space.

"Aww, okay", I say as I put on a fake pout.

We get out of the car and Daveed takes me to a secluded area in the park that I had never been before. And I go to Central Park all the time.

"Where are we", I ask.

"My thinking spot", Daveed smirks.

I start to raise my eyebrow, but stop halfway when I see a picnic blanket full of desert. "Wait, we are having a picnic, with desert", I say in shock.

"Why, wait, do you not want desert, crap, Phillipa told me girls like desert. I guess-", I cut the worried Daveed out by putting my hand over his mouth.

"A. Who doesn't like desserts? B. You asked Phillipa about this? C. What ever Phillipa says is true. D. I FREAKIG LOVE DESSERTS", I say, yelling the last part.

"Thanks, and I hope asking Phillipa about this didn't upset you", Daveed said, cautiously moving my hand off of his mouth.

"No, I am saying it mean a lot to me that you would bring in Queen Phillipa's input on our date. Anyways, that red velvet cake is calling to me, let's eat," I say while patting my stomach.

Daveed and I both laugh and walk over to the dessert blanket. We grab a bit of everything. We eat and talk and laugh.

"Wait, so you once removed your eyebrow while making a pudding, there isn't even fire or scissors involved", I say, not believing a word he was saying.

"Yup", Daveed says while picking up some lime jello, "Just don't ask."

"Don't need to tell me twice."

The end of the date, around 6:30, we pack up and head back towards the car. We jam to the same musicals and Taylor Swift.

Halfway through at the At the End of the Day, we pull into my driveway. Daveed stops the car and helps ms out of my side of the vehicle.

He walks me up to the front door. "I had fun toady, and probably too much too many calories, but it was worth it", I smile.

Daveed slightly chuckles and smirks and says, "I guess we will have to go running on our next date."

"Oh, I must have lost the invitation I never acepted to", I saying shrugging my shoulders, "what a pity."

"Ah now, I think you would have excepted. 'Cause your like me, and I enjoyed tonight."

"Is that right?"

"Yes. I was thinking next Thursday before the show."

I sigh a fake sigh, "If I must." Daveed smiles and he an internal jig. I his shirt and pull him slightly towards me and he does the rest of the work.

He leans in, and as our lips collide, sparks go flying into the sky. I start to part my lips, wanting to get more passionate, but just as it was getting good, he pulled away.

"Good night, Lady Corisinade", Daveed said in his British accent. He kisses the back of my hand and walks away.

I am speechless for a moment, but then I call back at him, "And good night to you, Sir Diggs."

Just like at the time out side of the ring shop, Daveed halfway turns around and smiles at me as he continue to walk. He climbs into his car, and then drives away.

I go inside my house, make the trek up the stairs, walk into my room, shut the door, and slump to the ground. I just smile and day dream about "Sir Diggs" and our next date.

A part of my brain is telling me this is too much like Anthony and I's relationship, and look where that ended. But my heart is telling me that there are so many things different.

I drift to sleep on my floor. In the middle of the night, Lin picked me up and moved me, but I didn't awake because I was dreaming about a certain person.


Also, this is a longer chapter (for this book), so, you're welcome. I hope you enjoyed a non-drama chapter for once. But more drama on your way.

This chapter, especially the end, was based on Enchanted by Taylor Swift, and the middle had some Satisfied quotes, did you catch them?

What is your favorite musical? (other than Hamilton of course)
Do you like T. Swift?

Thanks so so SO much for reading, voting, and sharing with your friends that like Hamilton, and your friends who get annoyed by your obsession.

BTW, your comments give us life! You crack us up! So, thanks!
Lots of Love
-Tara and Ash

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