the DarkEst plAce

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The ride was quiet but Donghyuck was reading each road sign, shop and restaurant name out loud causing Sicheng to be so over when they stopped next to a strange entrance to a building in the city centre.

Yuta became more nervous, he left the car and Sicheng moved behind him while Donghyuck flew out of the roof. Yuta knocked at a door and a weirdly looking man opened.

"I'm here for the game," said Yuta quietly.

"Come in," the man glanced left and right before he let them in.

Sicheng saw how Yuta placed some money in the man's hand.

"This doesn't look good, I smell dark energy," whispered Donghyuck who was drifting above their heads.

Sicheng ignored him. He walked behind Yuta and the man down long stairs till they reach a huge basement filled with people, the air was thick from smoke as most were smoking and the atmosphere was boiling. Sicheng saw five tables covered with green fabric, each had a suitcase filled with money, two chairs, a man sitting on one of them. The people discussed, some were pointing to the chairs, some were arguing, some left the room, but Yuta waisted no time when he walked to the last table and sat down. Sicheng stopped behind his chair and Donghyuck moved to a wall.

"Welcome, you're brave," said the man on the other side of the table and when he smiled a silver tooth glanced in his face. "So you decided to take the chance to win this big money?" the man moved the suitcase inches closer to Yuta.

"I don't want the money, I don't even care, I'm here for the thrill," said Yuta his eyes burned with an insane excitement and the light around him grew stronger, and suddenly Sicheng realized that being on the thin line between life and death made Yuta feel alive.

The man was shocked, he watched Yuta with narrow eyes.

"What about your friend?" asked the man looking at Sicheng.

"He is my luck," whispered Yuta turning around and grabbing Sicheng's hand for a moment. "I know when he's around nothing bad can happen to me," Yuta glanced at Sicheng only and the boy wanted to take his hand and drag him out of here and hug him in his loving protection. He looked towards Donghyuck who seemed very shocked.

"Anyone else is brave here?' asked the man and a girl with a lot of scars on her arms came and sat at the fifth table from Yuta. Two more joined, an old man with a heavy cough and a breathing mechanism, and a tough looking guy with a foreign accent, but one place stayed empty. Sicheng stayed behind Yuta, if he was his luck he didn't dare to move and inch.

"Ok so lets start, most candidates fail before the first try," the man at their table was speaking, each of the other guys like him placed a pistol on the green fabric of the table next to the sitting person. Some people in the crowd started to sob and scream.

"We all know wat Russian roulette is, only the luckiest survive," said the man.

"The one's who survive bullet one are free to go or move on," said the man placing a silver bullet next to the weapon. "You move two bullets in at the second try, three, four, five..." his fake tooth glistered in the lamps again. "The one who will survive only one empty bullet case will get the money," he pointed to the suitcase. "So let's start the game."

Yuta glanced at the bullets one the table.

"Pick one out for me," he said and Sicheng needed a moment to move his hands, he touched the silver metal then lifted it placing it into Yuta's hands, but not before he had moved some light over it.

"Pick one out for me," he said and Sicheng needed a moment to move his hands, he touched the silver metal then lifted it placing it into Yuta's hands, but not before he had moved some light over it

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