NoT EmBarraSseD

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"You should be embarrassed," Donghyuck was flying around the living room while Sicheng watched Yuta who went home for his school things, to take a shower and eat breakfast.

"Are you even listening to me?" asked the boy.

"No," Sicheng smiled.

"What about his deadline?" asked Donghyuck and Sicheng became a little less happy.

"He will be ok, he has me," whispered Sicheng.

"He needs to find a reason in him to stay alive, to really truly want it," Donghyuck stopped flying around the room.

"He will stay with me," said Sicheng as it was pretty obvious, he couldn't believe Yuta would ever want to leave him.

"You don't get humans at all," Donghyuck shook his head. "The will always find something that will make them unhappy, it's their way, they need it."

"So I will make him happy again," Sicheng became stubborn.

"You still don't get it," Donghyuck sighed.

"Yuta loves me," whispered the boy.

"This is the second thing that troubles me, he should love the human girl not you," Donghyuck shook his head.

"But he loved me and I love him, it's that simple," Sicheng smiled when he saw that Yuta was getting into the car to come and pick him up.

"I hope it is," whispered Donghyuck disappearing and Sicheng was glad he could wait in silence.

Soon the car stopped at the pavement and Sicheng was quick as wind when he got to it and jumped one the passenger seat, Yuta smelled like fresh bubbles and Sicheng grabbed his hand while the boy's lips fell on his.

"I guess we will be late for school today," said Yuta and Sicheng smiled.

They drove off but half way Yuta stopped behind a petrol station on a empty street.

"Why are we here?" asked Sicheng.

"Because I can't stand any longer without kissing you," Yuta grinned.

Sicheng smiled too, he moved closer till Yuta grabbed his leg and pulled it to himself before Sicheng could realize he was sitting in Yuta's lap his hands in the boy's hair his lips melted and passionately bitten like yesterday.

"Can I have your whole body?" asked Yuta and Sicheng shook his head.

"Kissing is bad that's worse," he whispered feeling the heat becoming so strong everything in him reacted.

Yuta felt it and Sicheng lowered his head.

"I could help you with this," whispered the boy kissing up and down his neck and a little bit lower to the upper part of his chest.

"No Yuta please don't," Sicheng felt he's not taking this anymore.

Yuta's hands lifted the fabric of his jacket off his arms, and the boy threw it on the backseat.

His hands were quick, before Sicheng could oppose his t-shirt went the same way and he saw Yuta looking at his bare upper body, his eyes glittering like fire.

"You're so perfect, it was pretty obvious you can't be human from the start," Yuta laughed his hand caressed Sicheng's belly and chest.

"Why is it all so good?" asked Sicheng looking at the boy.

"Because it is, it's the best side of being alive," Yuta smiled while he lowered his hands and kissed down Sicheng's chest inch by inch till he sent so mach new tension and excitement into the boy's body by sucking on his nipples. "Good that your body reacts like a human body to pleasure," Yuta licked up his chest leaving a wet path and Sicheng found himself wishing to get his lips as close to Yuta's body.

He felt gentle hands moving up his jeans till they laid on his butts and he loved it too much. Yuta kissed his cheeks lovingly while Sicheng felt some wet drops falling down his hair.

"What is it, tears?" he asked touching his messed up hair that seemed wet.

"Sweat my babe," Yuta smiled and started to lick some of the drops off his face.

Sicheng caught his lips in his, it still was his favorite feeling and soon they were kissing for ages again touching everywhere they could get.

Sicheng caught his lips in his, it still was his favorite feeling and soon they were kissing for ages again touching everywhere they could get

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Thank you for your love for this story it is so amazing.

Do you like the chapter? Is Donghuck right in his complaints? How do you like Yuwin's hot time?

Also thank you for your help in choosing the title for my new book 💕

After reading your opinions I decided to name it "Letters to love", it's a Mark Lee story, you can find the sample of it on my account, I'd be happy about each feedback.

Much <3

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