The LaSt BullEt

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Yuta was breathing in sharply but the others were in a worse state when they were loading the guns. A silence fell, the only sounds was the crackling of the pistols, the triggers moved back and soon the people were ready, all pointing the guns to their own heads and rolling the bullet cases. Sicheng saw it, he could see the case that stopped in Yuta's gun was empty but the others who came here, the one who tried, humans like Yuta, they had no idea if it won't be the last thing they will ever do.

"I can't, I can't!" shouted the sick man, he placed the gun back one the table and ran out coughing loud, the crowd still applauded, so there were three left, all looking at each other in fear.

"Go!" shouted thr man, three pistoles fired some people in the crowd closed their eyes but moments later, when the shock became less all three blinked and touched their heads investigating that they're actually alive.

"Three lucky people, luck is on your side," the man smiled.

Yuta placed the pistol back on the table.

"Choose the second bullet," he said and Sicheng did.

They loaded the guns again, rolled the bullet cases and Sicheng observed the holes, till another empty one stopped and he glanced at Donghyuck, the kid wasn't in a good mood.

"Crazy people," he muttered.

The situation repeated, three guns fired, three people stayed alive, the atmosphere became boiling. Sicheng chose the third bullet, the tough looking guy slammed the gun back on the table and left the room. The girl in black looked at Yuta but the boy ignored her, his hand laned on Sicheng's hand briefly, they fired again, they both survived. Sicheng chose the forth bullet.

"Two more and this nonsense will end," whispered Donghyuck.

The girl lifted her gun so did Yuta, but then she suddenly burst out in tears.

"I can't, I can't," she whispered when she moved the gun away and left through the crowd.

All eyes were on Yuta who closed his eyes and fired. The silence was vibrating and people gave out cries when Yuta opened his eyes and placed the pistol on the table.

"One more bullet, will you take the impossible chance?" asked the guy and Yuta nodded. "You know there's a 1/6 chance you will survive?" he said.

"I have my guardian angel by my side," Yuta smiled and the crowd whistled and applauded.

The guy looked at him strangely and Sicheng felt something turning inside him, Yuta couldn't know, no, he wasn't talking about him.

"Does he know?" asked Donghyuck and Sicheng shrugged.

"Sicheng choose the last bullet," said Yuta and the boy lifted one up, sending the golden glister around the metal from his fingers.

Yuta took it, their fingers brushed and Sicheng felt fire. Some people in the crowd sat one the floor because the weren't able to stand when Yuta placed the bullet in the gun, only one empty spot in it, one spot that could keep him alive. Sicheng realized if he was human and had no idea what hole is chosen he wouldn't be standing here, he would be crying and begging Yuta to stop.

He observed the boy who became red on the cheeks. Yuta took a deep breaths, rolled the gun placing in on the table and Sicheng saw the hole wasn't empty.

 Yuta took a deep breaths, rolled the gun placing in on the table and Sicheng saw the hole wasn't empty

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I hope you still enjoy the story, what do you think about Yuta's crazy acts, what will happen now?

Much <3

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