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But nothing helped, and the next morning Sicheng was wearing the jacket over his hoodie to school. He knew it was wrong the moment he got to the lawn and caught the stunned, hateful, pitting him glances.

"Look at him, he really thinks he can take Alishia's place," said two young girls that were coming from the right.

'This stupid fag,' thought a boy with dreadlocks who was listening to music on the stony stairs.

"Alishia look what he's doing!" her friend grabbed the girl who happened to be at the lawn in the same time.

"Gay," muttered a boy who was passing Sicheng.

'I was supposed to be Yuta's next,' thought Alishia's best friend who faked a worried face.

Sicheng felt he won't stand listening to it all anymore.

"Let him wear it, Yuta pities him he knows the boy is sick and has a hopeless crush on him," said Alishia laughing so loud some people turned.

Sicheng was about to return to the house when someone called his name.

He turned around to see Jaehyun and Hansol who were talking about yesterday's game and waved to him.

They approached him and stopped.

"Hi, you're Sicheng right, I'm Hansol," the tall boy stretched his hand out so Sicheng nodded a little.

The boy waited a longer while then hid his hand in his pocket.

"Did you like the game yesterday?" he asked pretending that nothing had happened.

"Nice," Sicheng nodded again.

Jaehyun sighed but stayed quiet.

"I'm glad I could finally meet you, you have a good influence on Yuta, he hasn't tried anything dangerous since the canyon ride," said Hansol and Sicheng saw sincerity in his eyes.

"Do you..." Sicheng hesitated.

"Come one, ask what's on your mind," Hansol looked at him.

Some people stood around the lawn and Alishia was still watching him with fury.

"Do you think Yuta likes me?" asked Sicheng and Jaehyun coughed.

He saw the light of Donghyuck's wings on the lawn and the kid hid his face in his hands.

"Of course he likes you," said Hansol seriously. "Never doubt that," he smiled and Sicheng felt something glowing inside him.

"A guard had fallen that low," whispered Donghyuck in horror.

But in this moment Yuta came to them, he passed Jaehyun and stopped next to Sicheng, he smiled noticing his jacket on the boy.

"You look cute," he whispered leaning closer to Sicheng's ear and placing his fingers around Sicheng's hand for a brief second.

Hansol smiled to himself and blinked to Sicheng who had no idea what that meant while Jae seemed stunned.

"Sicheng can I come over tonight, we will drive where I told you about yesterday," said Yuta looking at the boy and Sicheng nodded.

"Yuta this is not right how you treat him," said Jaehyun grabbing Yuta's arm in a not so nice way and causing Sicheng to take his hand off the boy.

"What do you mean?" Yuta tried to be calm but he became angry.

"He would jump off the school building for you if you only said so and you're using it," Jaehyun's voice was harsh.

"Sicheng is not stupid, ok, nor is he mental, or in love with me, so stop spreading this nonsense around the school. He's the kindest person I know, and I'm honored he wants to help me," Yuta raised his voice and Sicheng felt he really has no idea what to do, he wasn't expecting this.

"Come," Yuta grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the school while Jaehyun stood there stunned and Hansol was still smiling to himself.

Why were people staring, why were they imagining stories in their heads calling them names without a reason, thought Sicheng when he entered the main corridor with Yuta and all eyes were on them, whispers started. There wasn't a student who wasn't staring while they passed the rows of lockers till Yuta found Doyoung, Martha, Herin, Mark and Taeil and stopped there.

 There wasn't a student who wasn't staring while they passed the rows of lockers till Yuta found Doyoung, Martha, Herin, Mark and Taeil and stopped there

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So what do you think about the people criticizing Sicheng and Yuta defending him?

Much <3

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