chapter 84: i'm sorry

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liam dunbar

a week later; dunbar household

I lay on my bed in my room, staring up at the ceiling. My phone has been buzzing with messages from the pack, but I haven't replied.

I just want to be alone.

I miss her more everyday that passes by. Sometimes I wake up, expecting to find a message from her, or expecting to wake up next to her...but when I don't that's when the images from that night come rushing back and I feel like I'm reliving it over and over again.

There's a knock on my door. "Son, you okay?" my dad asks. He's worried about me, as is my mom. I don't leave my room, and I barely go to school. I can't stand looking across the hall and not finding her there.

"Yeah." I answer.

He opens the door. "Okay, well there's someone here to see you."

"I don't want to see anyone."

"Not even me?" Mason asks.

I sit up in bed, looking at Mason. I think the last time I saw him was at Veronica's house, after the funeral. I can't remember the last time we've spent that much time apart.

He walks in, but neither of us says anything.

"I'll leave you two to talk." my dad says, closing the door.

"You haven't answered any of my calls. Any of my messages." Mason says.

"I just want to be alone." I say, laying back down.

"That's not fair." he says. "I get that you need time, but you can't just shut me out. Not when I need you the most." I turn to look at him, and I realize how tired Mason looks. He has tears in his eyes as he continues. "I lost her, too." he says, before breaking into a sob.

Seeing Mason like this, hurts me. And I hate myself for shutting him out these past couple of weeks. I stand up and walk over to him, and we wrap our arms around each other as we cry. "I'm sorry." I say.

"It's okay." he responds and we pull away. "Nothing feels right anymore." he says through tears. "It's not fair. What are we supposed to do without her? How do we keep going?"

Mason is asking the same questions I've been asking myself since I lost her. I realize how much Mason needs me right now, and how much I need him. I look him in the eyes, and answer the way Veronica would. "We do it together."


malia tate

martin household

Kira and I sit on Lydia's bed, as she sits on the floor with things Veronica had given her over the years laid out in front of her.

These weeks without Veronica have been a living hell. It almost feels like when I lost Kylie, my younger sister. Veronica had reminded me of her, and we became as close as sisters.

Sometimes I forget that what happened was real, and not just a nightmare, and I pick up the phone to call her so we can talk or hang out...but it goes straight to voicemail.

I miss her so much.

Lydia wipes her tears as she goes through the items on the floor. "I'm sorry." she says. "I'm sorry I couldn't help you. I'm sorry I couldn't save you." she says, breaking into a sob.

Kira and I look at each other, tears in our eyes. We go over to Lydia, wrapping our arms around her and she holds on to us tightly.

She then reaches out for a picture of her with Veronica and Allison. She runs her fingers over the photograph. "Say hi to Alli for me." she whispers.


stiles stilinski

stilisnki household

There's just a week until graduation. Scott and Melissa are going to move in with us the following day. Everything's ready for them to move in, and it's going to make everything so much easier having them here. I need them now, more than ever.

I park the Jeep in the driveway, and walk towards the door. Before heading inside I grab the mail. Dad's not home yet, he's still at the Sheriff's station and Scott is at the Animal Clinic. I have the house to myself for a couple of hours. 

I'm still not used to that. Veronica was always with me. 

I set the mail down on the table and I'm about to walk away but theres an envelope that grabs my attention. It's something from the high school. I figure it might have something to do with  graduation so I pick it up, only it's not for me. It's for Veronica. 

I open the letter, without even thinking. 

Ms. Stilinski, 

we'd like to welcome you as our new school photographer! Usually, this position is awarded to seniors but we are truly amazed with your talent. We look forward to working with you, and seeing how you capture the following school year through your lens. Please contact us through email with any questions. Enjoy your summer, and we'll see you in the fall.

I smile, knowing how much this all means to Veronica. For a moment, I forget about reality and I think about how I can't wait to see her reaction when she finds out. I call out her name as I make my way towards the stairs when reality sets back in knocking the air out of me. 

I sit on the stairs, the tears dropping off my face and onto the letter. They must've sent it before we told the school what happened. I hug the letter to my chest as I sob, not knowing if I'll ever be able to keep myself from calling out to her when something happens. 

It's not fair. So many things she didn't get to do, so many things she still had to experience in life but it was cut short. Too short. 

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