chapter 68: picture perfect

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two weeks later; beacon hills high school library

Mason, Liam and I sit around a small table.

Liam watches something on his phone and finds it funny, so he calls Mason over to show it to him. Mason gets into the chair with Liam, the two boys sitting together as they watch the video and laugh. They put their feet up on the table as they get more comfortable.

The two are so entertained they don't notice me pulling out my camera from my bag. I focus on them, wanting to have this moment with me always. Right as I take the picture Liam looks up in my direction and smiles.

I smile back at him and then look down at the camera.


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Perfect. This picture is perfect.


following day; stilinski household

My dads at work and Stiles is out with Scott.

I'm cleaning up my room. Organizing things.

Life is great at the moment, and I'm incredibly happy. I absentmindedly sing softly to myself as I go around the room, picking up things and placing them where they belong.


liam dunbar

There's no one home, but I still climb up to Veronica's window. I guess I'm just used to it.

She's so caught up in what she's doing, she doesn't notice me at the windowsill. She sings as she moves around the room. Her voice is sweet, but strong. "I don't think I've ever heard you sing before." I say, amazed.

She drops everything in her hands. "Liam! Geez, you scared me."

"Sorry." I say with a small smile, walking over to her and helping her pick up the scattered items on the floor. "You have a beautiful voice. Why don't you sing more often?"

"I just don't like to." she says, not meeting my eyes.

We stand up and she places everything on her desk, taking the things from my hands.

"Why?" I ask.

"I just don't!" she snaps back. The harshness in her voice surprises me.

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