chapter 16: the shadow

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following day

I open my eyes.

I blink a couple of times, my eyes adjusting to the bright white lights above me.

I'm laying down in a bed.

A hospital bed.

"Hey sweetheart." Melissa says. She's standing next to my bed. I reach my hand out to her and she takes it. "How are you feel-"

"Where is everyone? Is everyone ok?" I ask.

"Yes honey, everyone is fine, I promise. They are all outside in the waiting room. Your dad and Stiles haven't left your side but I told them they had to eat. I promised I wouldn't leave you until they came back."

I smile at her, relieved to know that everyone made it out of the woods alive.

but what about Celeste? did you get out? where is she?

"I'll go get them." Melissa says and gently shuts the door on her way out.

I slowly sit up, wincing in pain. Everything still hurts. I notice some bruises on my arms. I guess I got them when I fell, or well, when I was pushed down the stairs.

I examine my ankle. Swelling has gone down but it still hurts.

I look over to the table next to my bed.

There's a small bouquet of flowers. They are beautiful. A card sticks out from the middle of the bouquet. I reach over and grab it.

It simply reads:

I'm glad you're ok. From: Liam

It brings a smile to my face.

The door opens and my dad and Stiles walk in the room. They have relieved expressions on their faces.

Stiles rushes over to me, embracing me in a hug. I hug him back.

The comfort of my brothers hug always makes me feel better.

I pull away from my brothers hug and turn to my dad.

"Hey Dad." I say.

"Hey, kiddo." he says as he walks towards Stiles and I.

He hugs us both and kisses the top of my head. "Oh, I'm so glad you're ok." he says.

The three of us stay like that for a while. Embracing each other and holding back our tears.

God, I'm so happy to be back with my family.

I wish mom was here...

There's a knock on the door and we all pull away from our family hug.

It's Doctor Geyer, Liam's stepdad.

"Hey, I heard our patient woke up."

"Yeah, I guess I did." I reply.

He smiles and I smile back.

He goes over some things with me. I suffered a minor concussion. Hitting your head really hard, multiple times, will do that to you I guess. Sprained ankle, but nothing major. I just need a lot of rest and I should be fine within a week or so.

"Thank you." I say.

"It's not a problem." he says. "Sheriff Stilinski, I'll just need you to sign a couple of papers and you'll be all set. After that, you can take her home."

"Ok, sure." my dad says and then turns to me. "I'll be right back."

I nod and they walk out the door.

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