chapter 59: good news

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following day; stilinski household

Liam and I sit in his car, which is parked in the driveway.

"It's a size 10 of indeterminate make." I tell him. "That's all we know"

"So whoever is lurking inside the Beast is wearing a size 10 shoe?" he asks.

"Yup. Good thing there aren't many people wearing that shoe size, right?" I say sarcastically.

"Yeah, definitely." he says.

Earlier today Chris found 23 bodies down in the tunnels, connecting it back to Parrish's dream. Everyday the number of bodies rises, and we still have no idea how to stop the beast. Theo has managed to stay out of sight as he figures out to use the talons, if he can, to take the beast's power. He doesn't care if he kills the teenager, which we are trying to save. The talon's were made by the Dread Doctors during their first trip through Beacon Hills which left a lot of people dead too. Malia's mom is out to kill her, Kira is still having trouble controlling the fox...

"We're running out of time." I say, tapping my finger against my knee.

Liam reaches for my hand and gently squeezes it. "Hey, we'll find a way. We always do."

His touch and his words are comforting, and they give me a sense of calm in the middle of all this chaos. I've missed these moments between Liam and myself, when we didn't have to say much, yet we already knew how the other person felt.

"Yeah, you're right. We'll find a way." I repeat. "Thank you, for today by the way."

"No, thank you. I had a great time despite all the madness."

I laugh lightly.  "Yeah me too."

Liam and I went out to eat and then we took a quick walk on the beach afterwards. He held my hand the entire time, kissing me when I least expected it. Being with him feels different, and not in a bad way, we've just been through so much in the past couple of months which has forced us to grow up even faster than before. That's just how life is in Beacon Hills. But it's also made us appreciate things we may have taken for granted before, like a simple walk on the beach, and now we plan to make the best out of every moment we have together.

"Wanna head inside while we wait for Scott and Stiles?" I ask Liam. They met up with Chris earlier and said something about him and Parrish working together now. Stiles asked us to meet them at our house but they aren't here yet.

"Sure." he says.

We get out of the car, and Liam stays behind locking it. I go ahead and unlock the door to my house, leaving it open for Liam. I know my dad's home because his car is out in the driveway, but he's not in the living room or the kitchen. He must be upstairs. But then I hear something in his office. It sounds like something fell off his desk. I walk over, wanting to let him know I'm home and Liam is here too.

I don't think to knock, I just open the door and quickly regret not knocking.

"Oh my God!" I say looking away. "Uh, I'm- I should've knocked." I say and walk out, quickly shutting the door.

Liam walks in. "You ok?" he asks.

"Me? Yeah, yeah fine. But, we gotta go." I say as I walk towards him. I take his hand in mine and lead him towards the door.

"But I thought we were meeting Scott and Stiles here." he says, clearly confused.

"Um, we'll call them and tell them to meet us somewhere else." I tell him.

We are walking back to his car when Stiles pulls up with Scott. They park next to Liam's car and get out of the Jeep.

 They park next to Liam's car and get out of the Jeep

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