chapter 20: all night

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8 months later

I can't believe the year has gone by so fast.

I'm done with my first year of high school. In two weeks I'll become a sophomore and Stiles will become a senior.

The second half of my freshman year was much easier than the first. There haven't been any alpha's out to get us since Aria.

We've been left alone.

Around the time summer started Becca and Celeste let me know through a letter that they found their families. They were so happy! They even sent along pictures. I miss them so much.

Their families were moving around in Central America. They still don't know if they are going to permanently stay there or come back, but in their letter they promise to visit soon.

Summer has been fun. Lots of trips to the beach with Scott and the pack.

Stiles and Malia seem to fall in love more and more everyday.

Sometimes he won't stop talking about her.

And she smiles at him in a way that she doesn't smile at anyone else.

Scott, Stiles and Liam have all become really close friends.

They both had a talk with Liam about him dating me.

I can only imagine how that went.

Derek and Scott have been helping Liam manage his anger and the shift. He still has some trouble controlling it during the full moon.

Mason has become a part of the "inner circle", as he likes to call it. He's always joining us on our outings and I couldn't be happier that my best friend has been accepted into Scott's pack.

Kira has gotten extremely good at wielding her katana. If she was good before, now she's beyond amazing.

Jordan still hasn't been able to figure out what supernatural creature he is, but Lydia is helping him. If anyone can help him figure it out, it's Lydia.

Chris is back in Beacon Hills. He wasn't able to track down Kate. He said he's going to continue looking for her once he has a lead.

My dad and Melissa have gotten really close.

Especially after Christmas.

I don't know what's going on between them, but I know they make each other really happy.

Maybe, if they have feelings for each other, they haven't acted on them because of us?

The Sheriff station keeps my dad really busy. He deserves a vacation.

But I've been able to spend a lot of time with my dad and Stiles over the summer. We go bowling a lot. He says he used to go bowling with my mom all the time when they were dating.

Summer is almost over.

Over the summer, Liam went to spend time with his dad up North.

I didn't get to see him much, until he came back about 3 weeks ago.

I missed him so much. We called and texted each other everyday but it wasn't the same as having him here.

He was nervous about spending the full moon away from Scott, but he was able to control himself well.

Since Liam got back, I've been spending a lot of time with him.

He is so sweet and kind, but still very aggressive.

He puts up a guard, so that everyone sees him as a tough, quick-to-anger lacrosse player, but there is so much more to him than that.

When Liam got back, he made a habit out of sneaking in to my room at night.

He's actually coming over again tonight. I'm in my room waiting for him.

The window is open and I can hear him making his way up.

He climbs in through the window and sets a box down on my desk. It's small, not very large.

I walk over to him and kiss him.

He puts his arms around my waist and pulls me in close.

Suddenly, our gentle kiss turns into a passionate kiss.

I want him to hold me closer and tighter.

We begin to walk towards my bed, never breaking our kiss.

I get onto my bed and he follows my lead.

He's on top of me now.

I run my fingers through his hair.

I'm the one to finally break our kiss.

I breathlessly ask him: "You brought them, right?"

"Yeah." he replies, out of breath as well. "I put them on your desk."

"Ok, good. Cause I can do this all night." I say.

I playfully push him, he falls over to my side on the bed.

I get up and walk over to my desk.

I pick up the box.

It's full of video games that Liam thinks he can beat me at.

"You sure you want to do this?" he asks with a smile on his face.

He's confident in his gaming abilities.

But so am I.

"Of course." I say. "Let's get started."


The hours go by and we are still up playing. We make sure to be quiet, we don't wake up my dad. Or worse, Stiles.

I have kept score of all of our wins

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I have kept score of all of our wins.

It's basically a tie.

Ok, maybe not a tie...

Fine, he won 5 more games than I did, but I think I did pretty well considering I had never played some of these games before.

He's at the window now, about to leave.

It's 4:30 in the morning.

I kiss him goodbye and watch him disappear into the darkness of the night as he walks home.

He texts me when he gets there and wishes me goodnight.

I reply and set my phone down on my nightstand.

I lay in bed, close my eyes and fall asleep.

Little did I know, that in a week, something would happen that would change my life forever.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to vote! love you all so much :)

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