chapter 67: magic

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[I will let you know when]

one week later

The school rented a hall for tonights lacrosse team dinner. Some of the players will receive awards as well.

Each player is allowed to bring a guest, and since Scott and Kira are both on the team they invite Lydia so she can be with us. Corey takes Mason, Stiles takes Malia, and I go with Liam.

It's a semi-formal event, so the boys wear their slacks and button up shirts.

Some girls wear dresses and others wear jeans and pair it with a nice blouse

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Some girls wear dresses and others wear jeans and pair it with a nice blouse...I wear the latter.

Liam and I walk in together, holding hands.

We find our table. Scott made sure we would all be together.

There are place cards indicating where we should sit. Liam sits on my right, and Mason sits next to him. Stiles sits on my left, Malia sitting next to him.

"Whoever seated us knows us pretty well." I say.

"I do." Sydney says behind me. "Now smile." she says and holds up the camera. She's the school's photographer. Some of us turn in our chairs so we can face the camera. She takes the picture and thanks us. Before leaving she walks over to me. "Since I'm graduating, the position for school photographer is now open. Applications are due a month before the school year ends. You should definitely do it."

"I don't know-"

"You'd be perfect. Think about it."

I nod. "I will. Thanks."

She smiles and then goes to the table next to ours, taking their picture.

The night continues and we are served dinner. Afterwards, Coach goes up to the stage and takes the microphone. He talks about the team and how proud he is of all of them. He goes on to talk about the seniors that will be leaving and how they'll be missed. He calls them up on stage. Kira, Scott, and Stiles get up and walk on stage followed by a couple of other seniors.

Everyone in the room claps, our table being the one that cheers the loudest. The seniors are then sent back to their seats, and the awards portion of the night begins.


They are almost done, just two awards left.

"The highest scoring player...Liam Dunbar." He turns to me with a smile and gives me a peck on the lips. He hugs Mason before going up on stage to receive his award.

"Go Liam!" my brother and Scott yell from their seats and a few cheers follow.

"And last but not least," Coach continues, "The MVP award goes to the team captain, Scott McCall."

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