chapter 81: till my heart stops

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[ P L A Y S O NG ]

liam dunbar

I take the Berserkers mask in between my hands, and rip it apart just like Derek did when he came in before rushing upstairs to help Scott, Malia and Veronica.

The Berserker then vanishes, and I let the remaining pieces of the mask fall to the floor.

I turn to Kira, smiles on our faces because we have defeated the Berserkers. 

But that smile quickly fades.

Something's wrong. Something's missing. It's almost as if the world has gone completely silent.

But that silence ends when Lydia screams. Kira, Argent and I cover our ears because of how powerful her scream is.

Kira and I turn to each other before turning to Lydia.

"Lydia, what's wrong?" Kira asks.

Lydia beings to cry. "No, no, no." she repeats and Kira rushes over to her, wrapping her arms around her. Lydia turns to look at me, tears spilling from her eyes. "Veronica." she says in a whisper.

I feel like the air has been knocked out of me. I feel like I'm going to be sick. What is Lydia trying to tell me? "No." I say, as I rush up the stairs leaving the two girls and Argent behind.


"Veronica! Veronica!" I call out as I make my way to the room where Stiles was being held. I follow their scents, desperate to get to them...desperate to get to her. I need to hear her voice, I need to look into her eyes...I need to listen to her heartbeat.

As soon as I walk in I smell the blood. I stand frozen in place as I see Veronica in Stiles' arms, her eyes closed.

I hear Lydia, Kira and Argent walk in after me.

I slowly walk over to Stiles, kneeling in front of him and Veronica. "Hey, hey you're ok." I tell her, taking her in my arms.

I sit back, holding her close to me. "Hey, I'm here. It's ok, I'm here now." I tell her, as I caress her face. But she doesn't say anything. She doesn't open her eyes to look at me. She doesn't reach out to take my hand.

No. No. I refuse to accept it. I refuse to accept that she's...

"Veronica, come on its over. You gotta get up now. We gotta go meet your dad. We gotta go meet Mason. Remember?"

But there's no reply, only silence. Except for the muffled cries of Lydia and Kira who have kneeled down not too far from us.

I begin to panic, so I listen for her heartbeat as I always have. I listen to it to keep me calm, the way it always has.

But there's still silence.

"Scott, I can't. I can't hear her heartbeat." I say, looking up at him. He looks at me with eyes that are red from crying. "Scott, why can't I hear her heartbeat?!" I ask desperately.

"Liam." Scott says, shaking his head. "She's gone."

I look back down at Veronica, who lays still in my arms. Her eyes closed, her lips coated with blood, her clothes soaked in them. Her heart still.

"No." I say softly, as I gently run my thumb over her cheekbone. "No!" I yell, as it all becomes reality. As my worst fear comes to life. It's no longer a nightmare, it's the living truth, and it's engulfed me in complete darkness instantly.

My first love, the love of my life, ripped away from me

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My first love, the love of my life, ripped away from me. I hold her close as I sob, wanting to feel her warmth. I gently press my forehead to hers, my tears falling down onto her face.

"You said you'd come back to me. Always." I whisper to her as I take her hand.

I look at her, her eyes closed.

It'll always be us, Liam. I remember her saying that night, the night we talked about our future together. And now it's all gone. It's a future that doesn't exist.

I sob violently, holding Veronica close to me again. I already desperately ache for her. She was everything to me. I'd give up my life for her, because life without her doesn't have any meaning for me. 

"I love you." I tell her through my tears. "I'll always love you." I say, as I continue to stroke her hair.

The first time I saw her comes back to me, as she stood across the hall the first day of freshman year.

Her perfect smile, her sweet laugh, her gentle touch, her beautiful voice. Forever gone.

I'll be deprived of it as long as I live and the thought is unbearable.

I'll never hear my favorite sound in the world ever again.

It's gone, all of it is gone.
And it's never coming back.

And neither is she.

Running with the WolvesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora