chapter 35: the plan

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beacon hills memorial hospital

In the bathroom I wash my face and dry myself with a paper towel. Before walking out I take one last look in the mirror. Down the side of my face there are bruises from the "accident."

We came up with a plan to try and find out who has been targeting us. Is it a good plan? I don't know, but it's the best we can come up with at the moment.

We figured that whoever did this, if Scott survived, would want to finish the job.

Why they didn't come after my dad again, I don't know. Maybe because a True Alpha is more of a threat to them for whatever evil plans they have for Beacon Hills than a Sheriff. Maybe attacking my dad was a way to get to Scott? Send a message?

Too many questions and no answers. Hopefully we'll get some tonight. That is, if our brilliant plan works...and if they decide to show up.

Our plan is simple: monitor all areas of the hospital through security cameras on our laptops and wait for the murderous supernatural creature to show up and try to kill Scott...again.

No. This plan isn't crazy at all.

Except it is.

How the hell do we protect Scott? He's still healing and is weak. We don't even know who might show up. Well, that's where Derek, Chris, Parrish and my dad come in. They'll all be here to help us in case someone actually shows up. As a matter of fact they all got here a few minutes ago and so did Lydia.

When my dad got here, I could see how worried he was about me, about Scott. About this whole situation. He asked me if I was ok and insisted I get checked but I insisted I was fine.

When he saw Melissa, he walked over to her, hugged her and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead . Realizing he had done that in front of me, they both took a step back from each other.

I swear those two have something going on...

It's been hard to keep all this pain under control. The hospital here is filled with pain and I'm trying so hard to not let myself feel it. Sometimes I can't control it and it takes over but thankfully I've been able to regain control after a few minutes.

When I walk out of the bathroom I see Stiles talking to Theo. I can't hear what they are saying, but I see Theo nod his head and make his way towards the hospital's exit.

"What happened?" I ask Stiles when I reach him.

"I told him to leave." Stiles says.


"We don't need him here."

"What did you tell him about Scott?"

"That it looks like he's going to be ok, but it's too soon to tell."

"But that's-"

"Not true. I know. I just, I don't know what it is. I just don't trust him." Stiles says.

"Stiles, he helped me and helped save Scott's life." I counter.

"I don't know." he says crossing his arms.

But we don't continue the conversation because Parrish comes to let us know that Chris has finished installing a device that gives us access to the hospitals security footage. We will be able to see the live feed on our laptops, this way we will be able to monitor the entire hospital.

 We will be able to see the live feed on our laptops, this way we will be able to monitor the entire hospital

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