chapter 51: guilt

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stilinski household

I'm in my room, Stiles and I just got back from the animal clinic. I sit on the floor with my back against my bed. My dad walks in and sits next to me, he brings a box of tissues with him. He takes one and uses it to dry my tears. I haven't been able to stop crying, the tears silently roll down my cheeks as I look straight ahead at my desk where I had placed Josh's jacket over the chair and the seashell he gave me.

"It's not your fault." my dad says. I turn to look at him, ready to tell him how it is my fault. "Now, I know you won't believe me. At least not right now." he says before I could even say anything. "Don't live with this guilt Veronica."

"He was my best friend, dad." I say, my voice breaking.

"I know kiddo, I'm sorry." he says and hugs me.

I fall asleep in my dad's arms and wake up in my bed. It was just like when I was a little girl and I'd fall asleep on the couch and would magically wake up in my room.

I haven't slept much, and it's still dark out but I can't go back to sleep. Every time I start to drift off my body jumps. I jolt awake. It's almost like when you dream that you are running and you trip and jolt awake, or you dream that you fall off a cliff and the same thing happens.

I'm physically tired. Emotionally drained. I've gone through so many emotions in the last few hours. Sadness. Anger. Guilt. Devastation. But right now all I feel is numb. I lay in bed looking at the ceiling, staring at it blankly for hours.

Once the sun comes up I get out of bed and take things step by step. I brush my teeth. Shower. Change. Brush my hair.

I check my phone and see the missed calls, voicemails and texts from Malia, Lydia, Kira, Scott, and Mason. I'm debating whether I should call them back now, or later when my phone rings. It's Malia.

I clear my throat before answering. "Hello."

"Veronica...I'm-are you ok?"

I shrug my shoulders. "Uh- I guess."

"Can we come over?"

I don't answer at first. Honestly, I just feel like being alone right now.

"Please?" she says. "We want to be with you."

Shutting my friends out won't make things any better. "Ok."

"All right, we'll be there soon." she says and hangs up.


Malia, Lydia and Kira arrive and bring food with them

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Malia, Lydia and Kira arrive and bring food with them. I tell them I'm not hungry but they basically force me to eat. I don't finish everything on my plate, but I eat enough to make them happy. I'm worried about Lydia and her stitches but she insists that she's fine.

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