chapter 61: the borrowed book

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I can already begin to feel the pain. Liam's pain.

I struggle against Stiles' hold, but he drags me back towards the bleachers and we duck under them for cover as the crowd runs frantically towards the school, looking for cover as well. The Beast takes off after them. It isn't until the Beast is inside the school that Stiles lets go of me.

"Liam!" I yell as I rush over to him, Stiles is right behind me. I run as fast as I can, wanting to hear his voice, wanting to see his eyes looking back at mine, wanting to know he's still alive.

I reach him and kneel next to him. He groans and squirms in pain, and reaches for my hand once I'm by his side. He grabs it tightly and a sense of relief comes over me when he does, but it goes away once I see all the blood. "Oh God." I say, as I take in the severity of his injuries.

"We gotta get out of here, we're too exposed!"  Stiles says.

"Help me get him up!"

Liam yells in pain as Stiles and I pick him up off the ground, draping his arms around our shoulders as we practically drag him into the school, trying to stay out of the Beast's sight.

Liam yells in pain as Stiles and I pick him up off the ground, draping his arms around our shoulders as we practically drag him into the school, trying to stay out of the Beast's sight

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

In the hallways people run and scream as they try to get away from the Beast who roars from somewhere inside the school.

I pray that Scott, Kira, Mason, Malia and everyone else are safe.

"Come on, come on!" My brother says as he leads us into an empty classroom. "The desk, the desk!" He tells me and I let go of Liam, letting my brother keep him up as I clear the cluttered desk, sending everything to the floor.

We lay Liam down on the desk. He still yells in pain.

"How bad is it?" he asks as I try to peel away the pieces of cloth that have gotten into his deep wounds

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"How bad is it?" he asks as I try to peel away the pieces of cloth that have gotten into his deep wounds.

"Not that bad." I say, as Stiles says "Very bad!" at the exact same time.

I glare at him. My hand begins to tremble and the pain I feel from Liam's  injuries, and everyone else who might be injured, is making it hard to concentrate.

Running with the WolvesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang