chapter 11: it's all about power

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We are back inside my house. Listening to Derek explain what this all means.

"They want you, Scott. They want to become the most powerful pack and they are killing other werewolves in order to take their power. But to become the most powerful pack they have to take down one of the most powerful Alphas. You. You are their priority, and even if they can't take a True Alpha's power, they'll do anything to make sure you're out of their way. And that means getting rid of your pack if they have to."

as if finding out one of my best friends and they boy I like are werewolves isn't surprising enough, the fact that there is someone out to kill them is just overwhelming.

"How did they end up here? In Beacon Hills." asks Scott.

"They used to reside up North. Then they started making their way down. They killed one of my friends pack. Her name is Becca, she's an Alpha. She's the only one who survived. She's staying with me for a while. This is how I know all of this, because she came to me. Our mothers were very close friends. She's heard about you Scott. You're a True Alpha and people take notice. She wanted me to warn you about her. About Aria and her pack."

Derek stands up. "The way they work is by picking on the members of the pack. That way they draw out the Alpha."

"So they want to kill us to get to Scott?" asks Liam.

"It's all about power for them." Derek replies.

Derek walks to the door, opens it and then looks back at us. "Be careful. All of you." he says before closing the door behind him.

We are left in silence.

"Guys, it's going to be all right." Scott says. "No one is going to die. We all look out for each other. We'll be fine."

Scott's words give me reassurance. They way he said it makes me believe every word. I trust him. I'll always trust him.

Scott and Kira leave first. He tells me he'll leave after helping me clean up but I don't let him. He is the birthday boy, after all.

Lydia, Liam, Stiles and Malia help me clean up. We don't talk much, we just work quietly, our thoughts elsewhere.

Lydia is going to give Liam a ride home. Scott says we shouldn't be out alone, you know with werewolves out to kill us.

We say goodbye to Lydia and Liam.

Liam gives me a soft kiss on the cheek as we say goodbye.

"I'll talk to you later?" he asks.

"Yeah." I reply.

The three of us stand by the door, Stiles holding Malia's hand. We watch them drive off and then go back into the house.


beacon hills high

It's Friday. It's almost a week since the rival pack announced its arrival in Beacon Hills. Scott went to Derek's loft. He wanted to talk to Becca about what happened to her and her pack. Becca told him how she lost everything and everyone. One by one, they were taken away from her, including her best friend Celeste.

Liam still hasn't talked to Mason about the supernatural world.

And Liam and I still haven't brought up our...close encounter.  But it isn't awkward or anything. I guess we've just been to preoccupied with a werewolf pack out to get us.

So this is what my brother and his friends go through most of the time?

I'm standing by my locker after school, putting some books away. I feel someone's hands cover my eyes. I jump slightly.

"Guess who!"

But I don't have to guess. I know it's him.

"Hmm, could it be the freshman who is incredibly good at lacrosse?"

He laughs and moves his hands away from my eyes. He leans against the lockers.

"Yeah, that's me, isn't it?"

I smile and close my locker.

"Hey, so I know Scott said we shouldn't be out by ourselves, especially at night...but there's a carnival at the beach tomorrow, and I was wondering if...well, if you would like to go with me?"

"Of course, I'd love to go with you."

"Great, yeah, ok. Perfect!" He smiles.

I smile back.

"Hey guys!"

"Hi Mason!" I say.

"Sorry, but I gotta go. My mom is here. You still need a ride Liam?"

"Yeah, thanks."

I hug Mason goodbye.

"See you tomorrow?" Liam asks.

"See ya tomorrow." I say and give him a kiss on the cheek. He returns it.

As Liam and Mason are walking away, Mason turns around and smiles at me. The same smile he gave me when he was at my house for Scott's party.

I wave goodbye and make my way towards the parking lot to meet with Scott and Stiles.


stilinski residence//saturday morning

"Well how are you getting there?"

"Walking." I reply.

Yesterday, I didn't get a chance to talk to my dad about my date with Liam today.

Well, is it even a date?

"Is this a date?" he asks. It's like he was wondering the same thing I was.

I open my mouth but nothing comes out. I don't say anything, mostly because I don't know the answer myself.

"You better close your mouth before a fly gets in there."


"Well, I thought you guys weren't supposed to go out alone? With this Alpha werwolf on the loose."

"We won't be alone." I quickly respond. "There will be a lot of people there. It's a carnival."

"And Stiles can't take you?"

Stiles. He is totally not ok with this. Neither is Scott. They are both so overprotective of me, and I understand why but eventually I was able to convince them that it was all going to be ok. The Alpha wouldn't do something in front of so many people, would she? Anyways, now I have to convince my dad.

"Nope, he already has plans. It's not that far of a walk dad, we'll be fine."

"Oh, all right." he finally says.


"Thanks dad!" I hop off his desk and give him a hug.


knock, knock, knock

It's him. He's here.

I open the door.

"Hi Liam."

"Wow. I mean hi. You look beautiful."

"Thanks." I say with a smile. I have the butterflies.

"Ready?" he asks.

"Yes, definitely." I grab my bag and I'm out the door.

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