chapter 55: I need you

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beacon hills memorial hospital

"Stilinski, right?" The nurse asks us. "You said his insurance was with the county? He's a deputy?"

"No, he's the Sheriff." I tell her.

"He's the county Sheriff, okay?" Stiles says, frustrated. "He's covered. I mean, he should be covered."

I place my hand on his shoulder and he lets out a shaky sigh.

Melissa is now at our side. "I'll take care of it." she tells the nurse and pulls us aside. "I texted Scott. He's coming as soon as he can. I can call Malia."

"No, no, no. Don't call anyone." my brother says.

I'm going to ask where Scott was, and why Stiles doesn't want to call Malia but the nurse at the desk speaks before I can. "Is there anyone else we need to notify? A next of kin?"

Stiles shakes his head. "No, just us. It's just us." he says and then turns to look at me. Our teary eyes show the fear we feel. The fear of losing our dad, too.

Melissa leads us to a waiting room and then rushes out. She's probably going to see if there's anything she can do to help my dad.

Stiles and I sit next to each other in a room that's filled with people who anxiously wait for an update on their loved ones. The wait is maddening. You don't know how the situation is going to play out, and there's absolutely nothing you can do to change the outcome. All you can do is wait. Hope. Pray.

Stiles slouches in his chair, he bounces his leg and sighs. A tear rolls down his cheek and he sits up. He can't stay still. He rests his elbows on his knees, brings his hands to his face, and leans forward.

There's an empty chair next to Stiles and I desperately wish that mom were alive, sitting next to us, telling us everything was going to be ok

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There's an empty chair next to Stiles and I desperately wish that mom were alive, sitting next to us, telling us everything was going to be ok. My heart aches as I realize that Stiles is probably wishing the same thing.

I have to be strong for him. I have to help him get through this.

I place my hand on his shoulder and he turns to look at me. "We can't lose him too. I can't-" he begins to say, but his sobs don't allow him to continue.

"I know." I tell him softly. "I know, I'm scared too." Despite my best efforts, tears run out of my eyes as well.

I pull Stiles close and he rests his head on my shoulder as we lean back into our chairs. We hold hands, just like we did months ago as we watched Dr. Geyer try to save my dad. And now, here we are again.

I kiss Stiles' forehead, imagining that it's what mom would do to comfort him.

We wait, and wait, and wait. Stiles eventually falls asleep and the crowd around us thins until it's just us two.

I look at my phone. No calls. No messages. It's like everyone disappeared. I know Stiles didn't want anyone else to know, for whatever reason, but I text Mason anyways telling him what happened to my dad. He replies a few minutes later, telling me that he'll make it out to the hospital as soon as he can. That Liam is with him and he'll come too.

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