chapter 12: the waves and the starry sky

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The sun is beginning to set.

We just got to the beach, which is crowed with people.

We go on a couple of rides

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We go on a couple of rides. Then we walk around, gravitating towards the booths with different games set up. We play a couple of games and then end up at the popular fish bowl game.

They haves bowls set up around a table. Each one is filled with water and a plastic fish.

"Here, you can have three balls. Make one in, you win a prize!" says the man at the booth. He hands Liam the balls.

He shoots the first one. He misses.

"Here, you try." Liam says, handing me one.

I throw and miss as well.

"One more chance!" says the man.

It's Liam's turn to throw now. 

"Just concentrate." I tell him and kiss his cheek. He turns to smile at me. Then he turns his attention to the fish bowls, shoots and the ball makes it into a bowl.

He turns to me with excitement in his face and I hug him.

"What prize would you like?" The man asks.

Behind the man is a wall lined with stuffed animals.

"That one." Liam says, pointing to a red stuffed bear with white hearts on it.

The man hands it to Liam and then he holds it out to me.

"For you. If it wasn't for that kiss, I probably wouldn't have made it."

I take it from him. "Thank you." I say, with what I feel is the biggest smile in the world.

"Come on!" he says as he takes my hand and leads me through the crowd.

He's leading me away from the crowd, towards the shore. I look back and faintly hear peoples laughter and the music. The carnival lights look beautiful against the night sky.

He's still holding my hand.

"Lets sit." He says.

"Okay." I put my bag and teddy bear down.

We sit next to each other. I lean my head on his shoulder. He still hasn't let go of my hand. We sit there for a while, in complete silence, listening to the waves crash. But it isn't awkward. We are comfortable with each other, even in complete silence.

He gets up suddenly, "Come one!" he says again. I follow, leaving my things behind.

He's running towards the water. He kicks off his shoes and takes off his socks. I do the same.

He gets to the water before me. The water reaches his knees and he's facing the ocean.

I'm running towards him. Just as I'm about to reach him he turns around and puts his arms around my waist and spins me. I laugh.

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