chapter 2: the boy with the blue eyes

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beacon hills high school

The second day of school is just as long as the first one.

But it's almost over. Just 5 more minutes...

I try to concentrate on what the teacher writes on the board but can't seem to focus...instead, I find myself thinking of him. I didn't see him today. The boy with the blue eyes.

*the bell rings*

Finally. I think to myself.

"...don't forget to read the first few chapters of the book and bring in the completed worksheet tomorrow."

I quickly jot down the homework in my planner and out the door I go.

After a quick trip to my locker, I make my way over to the lacrosse field. Try outs are being held today and I'm staying after school to support Scott and Stiles.

"Veronica! Over here!" It's Malia. She's eagerly waving me over. Kira is sitting next to her.

I join them on the bleachers

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I join them on the bleachers. They ask me how my first days in high school have been so far and I begin to answer when I'm interrupted by Coaches whistle.

"Alright, so this is how it's going to go!" he says to the group of boys trying out. He gives them instructions and places everybody in position.

Stiles and Scott are in line, waiting to shoot the ball towards the goal.

I look over to see who is in goal and it's him

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I look over to see who is in goal and it's him...the boy with the b l u e e y e s...

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