chapter 43: betrayal

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saturday; one week later

The times Josh and I have talked this week haven't been as awkward as I thought they were going to be. Especially after how we left things. 

We will be talking and laughing and then it's as if we both remember what happened at the dance and we go quiet, creating an awkward silence. 

I honestly don't want what happened to come between us. Josh has been there for me through everything, and sometimes I can't tell him everything, but he's always cheered me up.

Maybe if things were different, or maybe with time, I'll be able to see Josh in a different way. I'll let myself see him as more than my friend.

I'm in the library studying with Mason, we've been here for an hour or so, completely focused on our text books...until I ask about Liam.

"Why do you think he asked me to dance? I mean, it's been over a month since we broke-up and he randomly asks me to dance?" 

Mason closes his textbook, giving me all of his attention. "I don't know. Maybe he's looking for a way to say goodbye before he leaves. Or maybe because he misses you."

I look up from my textbook, a questioning look on my face.

"You don't stop caring for someone just like that. Liam, he's never liked anyone, let alone loved anyone the way he loved or even still loves you. This month without you has probably made him realize that he still needs you. Maybe not as a girlfriend, but as a friend. He's probably trying to figure out a way to reach out to you."



"You are my voice of reason. What in the world would I do without you?"

He laughs. "You'd be completely lost."

"I agree." I say through laughter.

"He's going through a tough time. I think he's scared, we all are. We just deal with things differently." he continues.

"Yeah, I know. It's doesn't make things any easier for me. He just, he confuses me."

"I get that. Liam isn't very good with words."

I nod. "Ok, but enough about me. What's up with you and Corey?"

Mason instantly smiles at the mention of his name. "I really like him."

"You know what? I think he really likes you too." I say with a smile, and he smiles back.

We pack up our things and head out towards the parking lot. Mason has a car now, his parents gave it to him for his birthday, so he's going to drop me off at home.

As we are walking out, my phone rings. It's Josh.

"Hey!" I answer.

"Veronica...are you at school?" he asks. He sounds like he's sick.

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"I thought I saw you pass by...can you meet me? I'm not feeling well."

"Sure, where?"

"By my locker."

"Ok, I'll be right there." I tell him and we hang up.

"Is everything ok?" Mason asks.

"Yeah, it's Josh. He needs some help so I'm going to go meet him. You can go home, I'll get Stiles to pick me up."

"You sure you don't want me to wait?"

"It's fine, don't worry about it." I say and we hug each other goodbye.

It's Saturday afternoon and the hallways at school are empty. The clubs met in the morning and have gone home by now. 

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