chapter 76: don't worry about me

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I sit on the couch in between Liam and Mason, who rubs my back. I hold on to Liam's hand tightly. "Scott, this is crazy. You can't go alone."

"She's right." Liam adds. "Let me go with you."

"No." Scott answers. "You need to go and get Stilinski. She made it very clear she's not letting him go easily."

"It's going to be the same thing with Stiles. You can't go alone. He'd tell you the same thing." I say. He shakes his head, but knows there's truth behind my words. "She has an army of Berserkers with her. And who knows if those masked men with guns will be there. We have to go with you."

"Then who is going to rescue your dad?" Scott asks me.


Parrish arrives at my house shortly after I call him and tell him about Kate's phone call. We tell him about everything in more detail, and we plan and strategize as quickly as we can. Time is running out.

We called Derek too. He is going to meet us where Kate is keeping my brother, while Braeden, Becca and Celeste will go with Parrish to rescue my dad.

We're going to end this feud with Kate, once and for all.

"We're going with them." Mason says, standing next to Corey.

"What are you talking about?" Liam and I both ask.

"I want to help. We want to help." Mason continues, gesturing between Corey and himself. "I'm going to help get your dad back to you, okay?"

Liam and I exchange glances, not wanting any more of the people we love in danger.

"If anything happens, I can get your dad out without being noticed." Corey says, trying to help me feel more at ease. "They'll need me."

"We need to get going." Parrish says.

"Corey." I say, reaching out for his hand.

"It's going to be fine. We're going to bring your dad back." he reassures me, giving me a hug before heading towards the door where he waits for Mason.

Mason holds my hand as we look into each others eyes. "We're going to them back. Your dad. Stiles." he says and I nod, a tear spilling from my eye and he wipes it away. I don't want him to go, I want him to stay. I want him to be safe. If anything happened to Mason, I'd go crazy. "Don't worry about me. In a few hours we'll all be back together. I'm gonna meet you right here when this is all over, okay?"

"Okay. I'll meet you right here." I repeat to him and pull him into a hug, thanking him for doing this. I hold on to him tightly, not wanting to let go.

"We really have to go." Parrish says, and Mason and I pull apart. He says goodbye to Liam and then walks over to Corey.

"Thank you. All of you." I tell them and they nod. "Be careful."

"We'll meet you back here." Mason says as they walk out.

I smile at him and he smiles back at me before closing the door behind him.

"We need to get going, too." Malia says.

"Yeah, I just need to get something from my room. Be right back." I say and rush upstairs before anyone can ask me anything.

In my room I quickly grab my backpack and search for the syringe Chris gave me. It fits in my pocket, the wolfsbane it carries enough to probably kill Kate.

I'll do whatever I have to do in order to get my brother back, even if it means I have to kill Kate myself.


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