chapter 79: this is how it all ends...

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[ P L A Y S O N G ]

Stiles' shoulders shake as he sobs. "Hey you can't do this, you can't leave me. You gotta stay with me okay?"

"Stiles, I can't. I can't stay." I tell him and he shakes his head. "You have to promise me something. You have to promise me you won't, you won't blame yourself. I know how your mind works and you'll think about a million things you could've done differently. But there's nothing you could've done. This was my choice, it was mine." He lets out a shaky sigh through his sob. "You can't let anyone else blame themselves either. Promise me." I tell him, but he doesn't say anything. "Stiles say it! I need to hear you say it."

"I promise." he finally says through his tears.

I nod and smile at him.

I saved him. I saved my brother, and I don't care that this is the price I have to pay.

"Please don't go. Don't." Stiles says through his tears.

"It's okay." I tell my brother, as tears roll down my cheeks. "I'm going to see mom. I'm going to be with her." I say as I reach up and wipe the tears from my brothers cheeks as he continues to sob.

It breaks my heart that I won't be able to be with him anymore. That I won't be at his side for the many things we had planned and for the unexpected things life would bring our way.

It's getting harder to breathe and I know my time is almost up. There are so many things I want to say to him, but I don't have the time.

And that's when I realize that I won't get to say goodbye to anyone else. I won't get to say goodbye to my dad. To Liam or Mason. This is the last night of running with the wolves for me. 

I turn to Stiles, looking up at his tear stained face. "Hey you have to tell Dad, that I love him. And that he did the most amazing job raising us by himself. Tell him, okay?" Stiles nods, and even though this is all breaking his heart, it's something that I need him to do. "And Liam. Tell him I'll always come back to him."

"I will. I'll tell them." he says, gently stroking my hair.

I nod, and knowing that Stiles will do this for me gives me peace. I'm hit with another wave of pain and I do everything in my power to keep from screaming. I feel like I can't breathe anymore, all I'm doing is gasping for air.

"Hey, Veronica." Stiles says, the fear in his voice is accompanied by panic. He knows, just like I do, that these are my last breaths. "You can't do this. We have a lot of things we still have to do together, remember?"

I can feel myself slipping away but I mange to smile at him. "Stiles, I love you. You're the best brother I could've asked for. We'll always find a way...a way back to each other. Don't forget that." I tell him, looking up at the boy that has always been there for me. My brother, who I've shared so many tears and laughter with. My brother with the contagious smile and the never ending sarcasm. My other half.

He nods, sobbing once again. "I love you too, Veronica." he says.

I grab onto my brothers arm tightly, and he kisses my forehead as he pulls me in towards his chest, hugging me. I hug him back.

The comfort of my brother's hug makes me feel better, the way it always has. But the comfort it provides only last for a little while, as the darkness begins to pull me in until I've finally slipped away.

and this is how it all e n d s...

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