Chapter 100~Another kid?!

Start from the beginning

"Listen man just get your meat and go." Sam says and Max walks in. "Babe let's just go." The girl says tugging on his arm.

"Give me 3 pork chops." The guy says and I nod grabbing the meat and wrapping it.

"13.50" I say and he pulls a 20 out of his pocket. I give him his change and the girl sighs staying behind as he walks out.

"Call me if you want." She says leaving her number on the counter I smile and she walks.

"Bad news." I sat throwing it out and Sam nods.

"What a tool. Who doesn't like a dick joke, everyone likes a dick joke." Sam says chuckling and sitting on the counter.

Delilah Pov

"Work? What do you mean work?" I ask and Grace smiles. "I guess your mom didn't tell you, well basically Sarah, Robyn, Jessica, Katie and yourself will be volunteering at the church nursery." She says happily and I sigh.

"There's no way of getting out of this is there?" I ask and Grace shakes her head. "Jenna?" I ask and she shakes her head. "I think this is good, get you ready for life ya know. Bye girly." Jenna says shoving me out the door.

Mason Pov

"No way." I say and Jaxon nods. "Ask Tyler he'll even admit it." Jaxon replies and Tyler nods. "She made out with me." Jaxon says shrugging.

"Boys!!!!dinner!" Matty calls from down the hall and we walk out into the backyard.

"Where's the girl?" Tyler asks wiggling his eyebrows. "Working." Jenna says and I give Tyler a death stare.


"That was absolutely amazing!" I say and he chuckles. "Told you. This is why we should do it more often." Ricky says and I cock my head to the side. "Well if we did it more often it wouldn't feel this magical every single time." I say and he sighs face palming.

"I'm hungry." I state and he nods. "Let's see what I can cook." Ricky says standing up and handing me his hand.

"Actually in too lazy to cook. Dairy Shack my lady?" He asks with a smirk. He flings me onto his back and we begin walking.

"We must look like total idiots." I say as we get stares, after all I am a grown woman being carried on her grown husbands back.

"Well, we've looked like total idiots for 17 years and that's never stopped us." He says and I kiss his cheek.

We picked up Diary Shack and pretty much ate outside. "Kinda chilly." I say rubbing my arm as Ricky scoots closer to me.

"I have an idea." Ricky says smirking, "Oh gosh what?" I say sighing. "The butcher shop is not that far from here. Why don't we walk over and annoy John." Ricky says chuckling. "Oh hell yes." I say standing up and throwing out my trash.

John Pov

"I've never been so bored in my life." Sam says with a groan. "It's Friday. No one buys meat on Fridays, everyone goes out." I say wiping down the counter for the 100th time.

"Ayyeeee Johnny Boy!" My dad says walking in with my mom. "Oh and hello Sam, Nathan and Max..." my mom says feeling uncomfortable.

"Well it's 7:45 my shifts over bye now." Max says taking off his apron and walking out. "Ashley's putting her kids through hell." My dad says and my mom sighs.

"Why can't she just stay married to Grant?" I ask sweeping and they shrug. "Your aunt Ashley's just like that. I wouldn't be surprised if she went after your father." My mom says and I furrow my eyebrows. "She's done it before." My mom says giving my dad a weird look.

"She did contact you didn't she?" My mom says standing in front of my dad crossing her arms.

"She did but I didn't listen to it, I deleted the message." My dad says and my mom scoffs walking out. "Amy!!" My dad says chasing after her.

"Ah John just then man we wanted to see!" Ben says walking in with a smiling Leo. "Mr.Boykewich, Ben." I say shaking both their hands.

"Well, you're 18 so, my father and I have decided to give you the family apartment upstairs." Ben says shaking my hand and I smile happily. "Oh and even Sam can room with you!" Leo says with a smile and I chuckle.

"Thank you guys so much! I'm so honoured to be given this apartment!" I say taking the keys giving them both a hug.

"Shall we?" I ask smirking at Sam just when we finished our shift. "We shall!" He says grabbing the keys and running up the stairs.

"Holy shit! Dude this can totally be our place!" Sam says walking into my old bedroom.

"I'm assuming this are yours?" He asks holding up spider man boxer shorts. "YES! We left them behind when we moved to New York." I say chuckling and Sam chucks them to the side.

"Id sleep here and you'd get the sofa bed." Sam says and I cross my arms. "Why can't I get the room and you get the sofa bed. This was my room way before you got here." I say crossing my arms and he sighs.

"Rock, paper, scissors?" Sam asks holding out his hand in a fist. "Rock, paper, scissors!" I say making scissors but he makes rock. "Dammit!" I say and he pumps his fist. "Thanks Johnny boy." Sam says patting my shoulder.

Delilah Pov

"So how was work?" My parents ask picking me up and I sigh. "Terrible! I can't believe you guys are making me do this." I say putting my seatbelt on and they chuckle.

"Well you're going to have to get a job eventually. Why not get experience now!" My dad says and I scoff. "Why would I need a job?" I ask and my mom chuckles.

"Delilah, money doesn't come from thin air you have to work for your money." She states and I laugh. "Well you guys have money." I reply. "Yea money we worked for. We can't support you for the rest of your life that's how the world works."

"The world stinks!" I say and they chuckle.

"The world stinks if you let it stink dels." My dad says and I sigh.

"What's for dinner?" I ask and they chuckle. "Well your mom and I ate already but we'll order a pizza for you John and Mase." My dad says pulling into the driveway. "Cool."

John Pov

"Can I talk to you guys?" I ask standing at my parents door and they furrow their eyebrows.

"Mr.Boykewich gave me and Sam our old apartment, and I was wondering if it would be okay if I moved out." I ask bouncing on the balls of my feet.

Amy Pov

"Should we just tell them now?" I ask Ricky who nods. "Delilah! Mason!" Ricky calls out and they join John in the doorframe.

"We are having another kid." I say and their faces all drop. "Well not really another kid, were adopting a kid." Ricky adds and I nod. "Well not really a kid she is 16 turning 17." I say and they all sigh.

"Well ok." They say in unison causing me and Ricky to chuckle.

"And well she's coming home tomorrow." I say and they all shrug. "Ok." They walk out and me and Ricky shrug heading to bed.

"I hope this all goes okay tomorrow." I say turning down our bed. "Its will. I'm sure she's a wonderful girl." Ricky says and I cock my head right.

"K fine. Probably not but I mean we're not quitters. We're going to do this and we're going to do this right." Ricky says hugging me and I smile.

"I love you Amy."

"And I love you Ricky."

Okay so that's that. Sorry for the no update on Wednesday but I have strep throat and I've been doing exams so me is not feeling good. Anyways updates will be back to normal. secretlife_ramy_15 cause it's her birthday!!!!!! And as if you may knoow me and her are homies 😂😂so yeah happy birthday Bruh and meh😂.

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