Human as well | Matt

Start from the beginning

With that he left.

The next day you rebelled against what he said.

You had to know more.

"Hey guys I'm going to go try to find some resources, I'll be back soon." You said to the group.

"Sure you don't need me to come with?" Lance said slyly smirking towards you.

"I'm perfectly fine going independent. Thanks Lance."

"Psh okay." He mumbled to himself.

"What did you say?" You turned to face him. He was shocked to say the least and put his hands up in defense.

"I said nothing! Nothing at all!"

With that you were exiting the ship, towards the pond you had gone to the day before.

You decided to not tell anyone about this encounter.

You didn't know why. There was no explanation why.

Everything was quiet as you continued walking.

"Why wouldn't Matt want to join us? I mean he are the Defenders of the Universe. If anything we are the safest thing he can get to." You mumbled to yourself while kicking rocks on your way.

You saw the large rock you sat on before by the pond.

"Better than sitting on the ground."

It had been nearly an hour of waiting until you finally see someone.

That's not Matt.

"Who are you?! We do not allow trespassers!" A creature said to you, one you've not seen before.

"I was just, visiting! I love to come to this planet it-"

"She is with me."

Matt came from behind the alien, glaring at you with so much force even you were scared.

"Yeah, I'm with him."

The creature eyed you up and down while leaving you two alone.

Matt waited until they were far away, to be unable to hear the two of you.

He put his hand on his head and sighed, "I could of sworn I told you to never come back here."

"If I'm on this planet then I must be an explorer of some type. Meaning I will explore. And right now you are my main focus."

"You are kidding me right? Why can't you just take 'Voltron' or whatever it is and leave?"

"Why can't you just tell me about yourself? I'm a human just like you. I don't see why you have a problem with this."

"If I am seen with you, aka someone who is unknown to who I am with, you will either be killed or tortured until you tell how you came across this planet."

Your stubborn self proceeded to argue.

"Then how did you come across them?! You must've been new at some point as well!"

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