The Purchased Mistress P8

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So Part 8 is now officially up! I think it's simple and cute. Let me know what you think!



The Purchased Mistress P8

It's been a month since Cade and I have started seeing each other and its bloody freaking brilliant! We meet up everyday after work and go for walks, have dinner, spend time together.

I've been over to his condo (which is gorgeous by the way) where we have snuggled up on his comfy couch to watch movies...and have some pretty intense make out moments, I'll admit.

What made everything more perfect is that there was no pressure for more. Cade never once pushed for more than the intimate kisses we exchanged which made me feel comfortable with him as I've been with no one else. It's as if he could sense I wasn't ready for more, and I cherished him for it.

Cade dropped me off at my house every time we hung out. I no longer felt bad about him knowing were I lived but it seemed like he automatically knew that I wasn't comfortable having him over.

We were at his place now watching P.S I love you. I was snuggled up to his side, my head on his shoulder with his arm wrapped around mine. I could feel him brush his lips against my temple as was his habit. I smiled at the soothing feeling. It was a habit I was very content with.

"Stay with me tonight..." he whispered into my hair.

"What?" I asked, completely startled out of my reverie. I sat up to look at him. He was looking at me with such tenderness in his eyes...and with vulnerability.

"Stay the night...please. I don't expect anything. I just want to have you next to me while I hold you through the night." He brushed the hair out of my face and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"Please..." he breathed.

I couldn't deny him. And I'll admit, I wanted it too.

"Ok...I'll stay. Do you have anything I could sleep in?" I asked meekly. I had never shared a bed before. I found I was nervous and excited.

"Sure...come with me." He took me by the hand and lifted me off the couch, guiding me to his bedroom. I sat on the bed while he rummaged through his drawers. I loved his room. It was very simple and masculine with black furniture with grey accents.

"Here sweetheart...this should do." He handed me a white T and a pair of boxers. I headed to the washroom to change. Before I got out, I looked in the mirror. I looked tiny and a lost little girl. I took a deep breath and stepped out of the washroom.

Cade's POV:

Paige stepped out of the washroom and the breath I was about to take got stuck in my throat. She was so beautiful, she made me ache from wanting to touch her, hold her...claim her.

She looked so small and vulnerable in my clothes. The shirt was so big; it reached just a little above her knees. She fidgeted with the hem nervously, tucking her hair behind her ear while studiously looking at the ground. It made her look like a lost little child.

It made my heart ache. Just looking at her made all these primitive urges come out. I wanted to hold her, protect her, care for her in all ways possible. She was mine.

"You look sexy. Come here." I encouraged, getting up from the bed and walking leisurely towards her. I didn't want to startle her.

I knew my baby had been through some hard times even though she didn't talk about it. I could feel the sadness and the fear in her sometimes. I wanted to kill those who had harmed her. I had gone to such lengths to make her feel comfortable and safe tonight. I had actually put on pajama pants and a t-shirt. I usually slept naked.

I stopped in front of her, just a few inches from actually touching her. I reached out my hand and ran it up and down her arm soothingly. I had been so afraid that she would refuse to stay the night. It meant the world to me that she had agreed.

I had wanted her to spend the night for so long, to sleep in my arms, to wake up to her smile. I would have waited for ever if needed...I'm just happy I didn't have to. Tonight, I'd get my wish. I'd have her by my side all night and morning too.

I held on to her elbows as I slowly bent down, pressing a gentle kiss against her temple. I wanted to do so much more than that but it would have to wait. I knew she wasn't ready for more.

"Come to bed sweetheart..." I whispered huskily. I made sure to keep my lower half way out of her reach considering how her nearness was affecting my body. When she nodded shyly, I took her hands in mine and guided her to the bed.

I turned down the covers and got in. I waited while she stood by the side of the bed, gently nibbling her lip. She was killing me.

"I promise sweetheart...I just want to hold you. Well, and maybe kiss you." I said with a gentle smile. I reached out and took her hand, gently pulling her onto the bed.

I had her lie on her side and I spooned her, wrapping my arms around her and holding her. I buried my face in her hair, inhaling the sweet vanilla sent. Nuzzling her neck, I kissed her behind her ear and felt her shiver. I tucked her closer to my body and kissed her head.

"Good night sweetheart." I whispered.

"Good night..." she breathed. I smiled as I closed my eyes, comforted by the feel of her in my arms, where I had wanted her to be since day one. Weather she realized it or not, she was mine and I was not letting her go...ever.

Paige POV:

I relaxed against Cade's hard chest, comforted by his arms wrapped securely around me. I had never once in my life felt so safe, so protected. Right here with Cade, I felt as if nothing could ever hurt me, as if everything was perfect.

I could even forget about my troubles for the moment. Lying here right now in his arms, I felt as if I belonged for the very first time in my life. It felt right.

I tried to push the guilt I felt aside. I still had worries that Logan would tire of our messaging relationship and show up at the house, demanding the rights he had paid for. It was slowly becoming a nightly fear. I barely used Nick anymore since Cade came to pick me up and I was afraid that one day Logan would question me about it, just as he had questioned me about the money that one day so long ago.

I couldn't take living with the stress of being happy with one man and fearing that another may come along and ruin it. So far, Logan had been sweet and understanding, never once intruding in my life. I had started to believe that maybe he was just some rich old fool that had wanted to do a nice gesture. I doubt I was that lucky though.

I was going to have to do something about the whole thing...and soon. I never wanted Cade to find out about the extent of my past, of being bought and paid for and put up in a nice big house like some rich man's whore. I would die of shame if he ever found out.

So far, I smoothly deflected any personal question about my life and family he had asked. He had never pushed for answers I was not willing to give yet. I thanked my lucky stars that he was so patient and understanding.

I truly wanted to be perfect for him. I wanted to be pure and untarnished, smart and sophisticated, instead of the dirty embarrassment I felt like. My parents were druggies and my mother a stripper who had SOLD me for god's sakes. What man wanted to be with a woman carting THAT luggage around?

I was restless and over thinking. I tried to relax in Cade's embrace. I could hear him lightly snoring behind me. I smiled at the comforting sound. I tried to roll onto my back but his arms tightened around me, bringing me closer to his warm body. A ripple of pleasure went through me at the though that even in sleep, he wanted to keep me as close as possible.

It gave me hope. For me, for us...for everything.

Tomorrow, I thought, as I started to drift to sleep. I would start to try and fix things tomorrow...


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