The Purchased Mistress P4

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The Purchased Mistress P4

Three weeks had gone by and I settled effortlessly in the new routine which now consisted of my life. Nick would drive me to and from work downtown during the weekdays and my weekends were spent reading and walking along the waterfront.

Through all this, Logan and I continued our messaging relationship. We had gone back to sweet yet impersonal chats we had before the whole money scenario. Every couple of days, I would wake up to a new surprise waiting for me on my porch.

It was the most blissfully happy time of my life.

I had asked Nick to keep my job a secret, not wishing to raise any suspicions with Logan. I didn't know if he would approve or not and didn't really want to deal with what would ensue if he didn't. If he was aware of my job, he had not mentioned anything to me.

As for my was wonderful! I loved waking up and going to work in the morning, knowing I was doing something for myself...supporting myself. When my first paycheck came in, I put most of it into savings but kept a hundred for myself and did what Logan had suggested I do those first few days with his money.

I splurged.

The fact that it was MY money, money I had worked for and earned with honest work just made it that more satisfying. I got my hair cut and styled for the first time, bought some cute lingerie I had always admired from Victoria Secret and purchased my first pair of high heeled shoes.

I had called Nick to tell him I would do a bit of shopping and that I would call when I was ready to be picked up. I was just walking down the street to get a latte from the coffee shop on the corner when something in a window caught my eye.

I stared at the shop for a few minutes before a full on grin came across my face. Without further hesitation, I walked in.

An hour later, I came out with my own personal reminder permanently inscribed and hidden on my shoulder blade. A colorful three inch phoenix, to represent strength and rebirth, in vibrant orange, yellow and red hues proudly displayed his ribbon declaring "Most Precious Freedom"

It was worth all the pain it had cost me and more.

I walked into the café to wait for Nick to come and pick me up. I had just ordered my latte and turned around to go find a seat when I bumped into a hard immovable chest. It was enough to knock my slight frame of balance and I was afraid I would end up sprawled on the floor covered in coffee.

I waved my free arm wildly, trying for all I was worth to stay upright, when I suddenly felt strong sure arms encircle my waist and stop me from careening backwards. I rested my free hand against a hard and unyielding bicep as I looked up to see the face of the person who had saved me from major embarrassment.

I sucked my breath in hard when I came face to face with the most startlingly beautiful green eyes I had ever seen. They were large and almond shaped, soft and tender, and framed by the thickest lashes I had ever seen...and currently staring right back at me with a worried expression.

"I'm sorry! Are you alright?" said a silky smooth voice. It was just slightly above a whisper. I stared at the plump firm lips that had uttered the softly spoken words. I was mesmerized by the strong square jaw and straight aquiline nose. A shock went down my spine when a small smile graced the handsome face and displayed a cheeky dimple just for me.

That's when I realized I was gawking and jerked my gaze up to stare into those enchanting green eyes. The man who currently had his arms wrapped around me and was supporting me was now sporting a full on grin and I could feel my cheeks heat in embarrassment at being caught staring so avidly.

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