The Purchased Mistress P.2

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The Purchased Mistress P.2

I woke to sunlight shining on my face. After a whole lifetime of waking up in a closet, it was a welcome feeling. I closed my eyes again and treasured the warmth that soaked into my skin. With a leisurely stretch, I rolled onto my back and looked up at the ceiling with a sigh.

When it didn't disappear into a figment of my imagination, a slow grin spread across my face. This is real. It wasn't all a dream. With a Woot of joy, I jumped out of bed and rushed into the washroom.

I dressed in a pair of skinny jeans and a simple t-shirt I had found in the closet, both of which were most welcome. They fit like a glove. Fitted clothes were a second first for me in my life compared to the Salvation Army give-aways I was used to. After a simple breakfast, I grabbed the packet from the office and decided to explore the area.

I walked for nearly a half hour a long the water front. It was wonderful. I felt the breeze brush through my loose long chestnut hair and could smell the tangy air. It was fresh, crisp and delightful compared to city smells.

After parking myself on a bench, I went through the packet. Inside was indeed a bank card and a visa platinum, all in my name. It also included an Ipod touch and a blackberry phone. I never thought I would have any of these things and was delighted with the gift. I spent a good part of an hour just fiddling with them. The Ipod was already filled with a small selection of tunes and apps. If this is the music my owner was into, we would at least have something in common.

I was a little more surprised and confused by the phone. Where as an Ipod seemed straight forward and user friendly, the blackberry had too many options with pictures which didn't make sense. The only thing I could figure out was how to call, not that I had anyone TO call, and the phonebook.

There was only one number programmed...

I was just about to head back to the house when the phone vibrated. I looked at it to see a little red star appear next to a blue dotted bubble. When I finally got to the main page, my breath stopped short.

Sitting there was a message from someone called Logan. Was Logan Mr. Carver?

-Well who else would it be stupid! I berated myself mentally.

I clicked the message with shaky fingers, my breath coming in quick short gasp. The message was short and simple.

"I hope you liked everything and are enjoying yourself!"

I didn't know what to do! Do I answer or not? Do I just ignore it? I went back to the main page, holding the phone tight while jiggling my legs nervously. I kept biting my lip, wondering what I should do. I was so stressed, I squeaked when the phone vibrated again.

"I see you read my msg! " stated the new message.

How did he know that! I started looking around me frantically, looking for peeping eyes. When I caught myself looking around like an idiot, I gave myself shit for it. I was better than this! Where the hell did all my courage and back bone go? I sure as hell did not survive my teenage years by being a meek twit!

It flew out the window the day you were sold moron! My conscious was being a mean jackass today. I sighed simply. As true as that may be, I'll be damned if I will let it break me.

"How did you know that" I replied back.

"BBM shows an R next to the message if it's read and a D if it's only delivered." Was the quick response.

Well that answered that; I could see the little r's littering the screen. So much for ignoring him and playing ignorant!

"What did you do today?" the little phone beeped the innocent message at me.

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