Blaming Me

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Edward's POV
Right now im in the living room,  just thinking about what has happend in the last couple of weeks.

I thought that it was safe for Jacob and Renesmee to come home. But I was proved wrong in the past couple of weeks. I should have never asked Carlisle and Esme to go over there, and bring her and Jacob back.

If I hadn't she would have been safe, But the real question is for how long. Sonner or later the Volturi would have got her, im just glad I got her back.

"You ok Edward" Bella asks.

"Fine I guess" I say and get up from the couch.

"Where are you going?" Bella asks.

"Hunting ill be back in a bit" I say before I get intrupted from a scream comming from Carlisle's office were Renesmee is sleeping.

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