The present

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Jake's POV
Right after Nessie said those 3 words I knew that I should just give her the present. I went in my pocket and pulled out the necklace . The necklace was the one that Nessie wanted since the first time we dated.

When I took the necklass out of my pocket I saw Nessie's face it was priceless she looked absolutely shocked and I couldn't help but laugh.

The first thing I heard from her "It's beautiful." I was so happy she loved it.
I replied " yea but not as beautiful as you." Nessie started "your so cheesy."
I replied "you like it when I  am cheesy."  We began to laugh. Nessie's giggle was adorable I couldn't help but laugh with her.

After that Nessie and I looked at the beautiful stars in the skies , and how beautiful they were. Nessie laid her head on top of my shoulder, and I couldn't help but smile. I loved her so much that I would do anything for her. She was my everything. The first time I looked at her I fell in love and I will always be in love with her.

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