First day of Home school

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Nessie's POV
I woke up at 9 because I couldn't sleep.
Once I was up, and I got dressed into a blue shirt a pair of tights.

I came down the stares, and entered the kitchen, and decided to ask my dad about school then he said

"Don't worry about it I am gonna home school you if you would like."

I was so happy that I could be home schooled and not getting in trouble and then I replied
"Thanks Dady"
Then he gave me a hug and said
"No problem Renessmee."
After me and my dad talked. My mom asked me if I was hungry. Then I replied
"yes can I have a piece of toast please."

After my mom made my breakfast, and I sat at the table with the rest of my family, and ate my toast.

After I ate breakfast I began class and It was so much fun, and I didn't get in trouble once, after class my dad told me that I had a test next class and it was 20% of my grade.

After class Jacob came over and we. watched Bog Hero 6 its one of my
favourite Movies.

After the movie Jacob left and I studied for the test until 6 and then we had dinner.

Today was the best day of school I ever had. Even though my teacher was my dad.

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